Sunday, August 4, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for August 5th- 11th, 2019

Hello My Loves!!
Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading, for the week beginning with August 5th- 11th, 2019 with your hostess...…..

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Whew! Mercury Retrograde is over with! Things are feeling a little bit light in our own personal worlds. Yes, there are some crappy things going on in the world, but we must not participate in the ugliness of political and the shootings that have happened. We should be turning our thoughts, words and actions into positivity that will cause a ripple effect of healing that is disparately needed at this time. Today, I am hearing a very low, constant vibration and ques me to ask you to help raise the vibration of our world and all those who dwell upon it by raising your own vibration. I am getting a very big YES on this! So please help in any way you can. Thank you in advance! 

You can try this if you like, it will help all including self in finding healing and peace. 
Light a white candle (let it burn as long as you feel it needs to)

Close your eyes

Take 3 deep slow breaths

Become centered and calm

Concentrate on breath

Envision a bright white bubble filled with healing love around our earth.

Hold space for those in need of healing, self-included.

Evoke the Violet Flame (just imagine yourself holding a beautiful purple flame. 💜
Now say, "With this Violet Flame, I send out calmness, healing and peace throughout the world, may it find those in need of this healing love and light. And so it is <3

********************************************************************You can leave your candle burning (safely) as long as you feel the need. When you are finished, snuff it out or let it go out on it's own. Do not blow it out.

Let us move on to our weekly reading, this time I opened a new oracle deck, Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

Crystals for this week:

(please pick and choose what you need)





Lapis Lazuli

Tigers Eye


Red Jasper or Carnelian


Rose Quartz

Clear Quartz

STAG SPIRIT:  This card has the masculine (Yang) energy to it, we have both feminine & masculine energies within us. It is the part of us that helps us motivate and find self-discipline. Draw your strength from within, dig deep, it’s there, like it always has been. In order to help others, you need to be on top of your game! Step up to the plate dear hearts and be the magic that this world so desperately needs! When another witnesses you are your best and see’s the work you are doing it will cause a ripple effect! This is how we solve world peace my loves, we cannot wait any longer, nor sit on the sidelines waiting for someone higher up to do it. WE, as a collective, ARE the answer!

FOX SPIRIT: The fox is known for it’s crafty ways and is skilled at it! We need to take that craftiness and use it for the good and to calm our thoughts, tame that ego of a monkey mind so that we can think and see clearly as we go about our day.

Owl Spirit: The owl is known for it’s wisdom in knowing when and where to swoop in to take care of business. If you are thinking clearly, you will instantly know your next move or next step that you need to take.

Beaver Spirit: Beavers are also very crafty and are good at building! They find just the right branch or stick and know just where it will do the most good! They are very focused and keep at it till the task is complete. One step at a time makes progress! You can do the same in your own life towards your goals and dreams. Placing one piece of the puzzle in the right place will build the foundation that you need to launch your dreams from!

SEAHORSE SPIRIT: Is known for it’s patience, contentment and protection. It’s keen eyesight can see when it is time to make a move. They wait and watch patiently for signs and are quite aware of knowing which signs are meant for them. You already know what you want your dreams and goals to look like when they manifest, now it is time to become patient, watch for signs. Wait, but don’t be idle in your daily life.

A very short and sweet reading! Sometimes my readings are wordy and lengthy, being that this deck is still new to me, I feel the messages are complete just as they are. Short, Sweet and to the point! *wink*

Remember to take time for self-love and self-care! Be your most truest authentic self possible, and be the light for others to see! One flame lights another!

Love light and peace

Blessed be


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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