Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for August 26th - September 1st 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with August 26th -  September 1st, 2019! With your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

The weather has cooled down here in our part of Illinois! At the present time it is 70, feels more like 68! Nice! Only suppose to get up to the mild 80’s this week! Yay! I am loving it! I am already thinking of decorating for the Autumn months!! *wink wink*

n just a few days, we will move into our New Moon on August 30th, 2019! Which means it is time to get busy with your intentions! More so, taking action upon your dreams! 
Last night I met up for the once a month gathering with, which I now call my tribe! With every visit there, the bonds grow closer and closer! Learning new things and it’s just nice to sit and talk with people who ‘Get’ you, I mean, really get you! I highly suggest finding a tribe for yourself! I think I have talked about it in the last few readings. It’s just THAT important! And fun if I might add!

Crystals for this week!

(Use what you feel drawn to)

Orange Calcite or Tigers Eye (these can be combined to amplify their energies for your Solar Plexus and Sacral) These are in the family of the red crystals and give us a feeling of Joy, playfulness, uplifting. Just puts us in the mood to tackle those little tasks. To create creativity, self-confidence and self-esteem) A nice little boost, but gentler than the red crystals.
Red Jasper or Carnelian
Light Green Jade
Rose Quartz
Clear Quartz

On to the Weekly Oracle Reading!

This week I am again working with The Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid, Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.
NIGHTINGALE SPIRIT (Love Is all around): Pay close attention to signs and synchronicities, I know I have been seeing/hearing them a lot the last few days! Things are just click, click, clicking into place. But if we are not paying attention to them, we may just miss out on some really great opportunities. For instance, in my own daily cards draws this week, told me about things/people on my path that could help, assist, work with. This is my tribe, my cards were telling me to seek answers with them. Indeed, the cards were right, I did not even have to speak the questions, they already had the answers. Love opportunities are all around you, sit up and take notice. Love opportunities can mean many things, friendship, romantic relationship, partnerships, colleagues/co-workers. Working together with others to co-create your dreams into reality! If you listen, you will hear the messages, it will be like music to your ears!

Nightingale Spiritual Meaning: “This symbolism derives from the fact that the nightingale is probably the most, lyrical of all birds and may have 300 different love songs. In effect, a nightingale is symbolically a very gifted person spiritually. In some cases the nightingale represents the spiritual person practicing Love with visualization.” So sing, speak your truths dear heart.


SPIDER SPIRIT (Make your dreams real): Hello dream weaver! It is time to awaken and weave your dreams into reality! Time to stop procrastinating and get busy doing! Do those little mundane tasks and keep at it till you build a momentum and can take on the bigger tasks. Get the ball rolling! You have been hearing and seeing little hints at what it is you need to do, so go to it dear heart! There is nothing more satisfying than making your dreams come true. This is you, this is you being your truest authentic self!

 Spider Spiritual Meaning: Weaver of life’s fate, Patience, Feminine energy, Receptivity and Creativity. Also represents our shadow side, the dark aspects we need to work on.


FOX SPIRIT (Think on your feet): The fox is swift and crafty! Very quick minded/wit and clever to create just the right way to go or to get a task done. He can think on his feet. Not one to sit around an procrastinate/sit in thought, he is about taking action while thinking. Answers come while you are busy doing something else.

Fox Spiritual Meaning: “The fox is often associated with the figure of the trickster, but as a spirit animal, it can also turn into a teacher providing guidance on swiftly finding your way around obstacles. If you follow the fox totem wisdom, you may be called to use or develop quick thinking and adaptability.”


PORCUPINE SPIRIT (Time for beginner mind):  The porcupine reminds of the warrior that we are, always have been and the abundance of strength we need to carry on through the obstacles that land on our paths. It also reminds us that no matter how ‘prickly’ a situation can be, that we can rise above it and overcome anything that is set before us. New is happening all around us, whether we choose to look with new eyes and ears to see and listen to Spirit, and our guides nudging us to move forward. Spirit has a way of showing us exactly what it is we need to work on, if we ignore it for too long, the messages come through super loud, like illness, an unexpected bill, car break downs, accidents happen. It is a big huge clear message, that there is something we need to pay attention to and take care of matters so that history does not repeat itself to you.

Porcupine Spiritual Meaning: “Porcupine conveys the spiritual meaning that there is always magic around you, you must simply be open to seeing it. Open to nature with new eyes, the eyes of a child, and then you will enjoy the magic of earths abundant and awe-inspiring gifts Great Spirit has bestowed upon you".


PANTHER SPIRIT (Reclaim your power): This is exactly what I was talking about with the last card! Not the whole “panther card meaning” But how Spirit will keep reminding us of what we need to do, work on and what we need to take care of. We have seen a few of these cards in recent past readings, and they will keep showing up repeatedly, until the task we are to tackle, is finished or at least started. The Panther is fierce, strong and allows nothing to create a diversion for them. They know exactly what they need to do, how to do it and then do it. Spirit is asking us to take on those qualities, so that we may carry out the tasks that are set out for us. Step into your power, your own divine light, be your most truest authentic self, speak your truths!

 Panther Spiritual Meaning: “Black Panther Meaning Spiritual. Panther meaning of the spirit animal augers a time of awakening and uplifting the inner passions which drive our own personal life force. Panther energy medicine amplifies all the senses and redirects our psychic spiritual energy, to create a highly focused manifestation, seen by others as personal power and magic.”  Oh! How I love this one! I just love how the cards tie together and even better with these spirit animals!

Thank you for stopping by! Say hi in the comment section below or tell me what your thoughts on the reading! Would love to hear from you!!!

Love light and peace!

Blessed be!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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