Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for August 12th-17th 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with August 12th, 2019,

\With your hostess,

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

 Things are moving and shifting in our lives right now, we may find ourselves having to deal with loss of some aspect and all these things happen for a reason. For whatever or whom, it is their time to go, leave you. You have evolved and grown spiritually so much over the last few months, maybe years for some and now with having the Lions Gate open up to us, we need to pay close attention to synchronicities, signs from spirit, listen and watch for opportunities that are meant to be ours for the taking. Don’t know about you, but I have been receiving signs left and right! Some in numeric messages like, 11:11, 9:11, 9:19, 12:21, 555 and those are just a few. For the most part they are about the awakening process, each time you progress, 11:11 will show up and offering you a new set of tasks to work on. The 1’s are for new beginnings and remaining positive. Positivity brings the good stuff to us. 9’s are for endings, one door closing and one door opening. 9’s are also a sign to get busy following the path you were meant to follow. This path being, what you were sent here to do and also living your dreams. The 12:21 is a sign for mirror mirror, which means to pay attention to your thoughts, they can manifest, the Universe will mirror your thoughts and send it back to you, of more of the same. 2’s meaning are duality, balance, divinity as well as, responsibility and service. 5’s meaning changes are about. When number sequences show up in multiple’s, such as 555, the 5 is amplified x 3. 
We are entering the Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces on Thursday, August 15th 2019!! This is a time for letting go of what no longer serves us. Letting go of things we have been holding on to and it’s telling us it is time to put it down and move forward towards new and better.

Write a list of what you need to let go of, offer it to the moon goddess and the Universe on the evening of the Full Moon. Profess that you are ready to let go of all these things so that new may enter my life. Then say, “and so be it.” Light a candle or a few. I have probably said it before, that I like to light white tea light candles during the Full Moon, the New Moon too. Always snuff out your candles, never blow them out.

 Time to move on to our Weekly Oracle Reading!! This week I am working with Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia. I will work with a new deck, with you and the Oracle Readings, till I am fully familiar with the deck. Just makes sense to me. *wink*

Crystals for this week:

(please choose what calls out to you)


Tigers Eye

Clear Quartz



Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite

Carnelian or Red Jasper

Light Green Jade

Rose Quartz

KOALA SPIRIT: (Spirit has a plan) Yes, indeed it does!! You have asked for new and better in your life, you have asked for your dreams coming true, then of course Spirit has a plan, a plan designed just for you! It involves you to participate in the process. Spirit sends us little hints, sometimes really big ones if we are not paying attention (those look like obstacles in your way). The hints are often thoughts that we have, and those same thoughts keep pinging our mind till we pay attention to them. Those thoughts are usually what we need to take care of and immediately as possible, even if it is just a tiny step in the right direction. All steps, no matter how small, make a big difference and are equally important. Those thoughts will feel like someone nagging you to get started, reminders of the same. They will keep coming till you work on them. They will become really loud and Spirit will drop a big challenge in front of us. Spirit loves to work with us and wants to see us thriving in our dreams. Do your part and they will kindly take care of the rest!

Koala spiritual meaning: “revolves around sanctuary and mystical self-discovery ... Koala appears for you inviting you on a spiritual sojourn to a retreat hidden in the forest, where you will renew your spirit and get in touch with the inner mystic.”

BUTTERFLY SPIRIT: (Transformation is beautiful) Again, YES! I have been seeing butterflies everywhere! They are a sign from Spirit! And look at the top of the card (hope you can see it) an 11! Like I mentioned earlier, we are continuously growing and evolving. Then there is a time to break free from the chrysalis. But at the moment we are transforming, becoming better for ourselves so that we can serve humanity and honor our gifts, duties and purpose. As well as, honoring our self and dreams. Change is inevitable and a constant, and we are too! Honor that by listening to what your body needs, is it more water? Is your body craving different/healthier foods? Foods you used to love but your taste has changed and suddenly they just don’t taste the same. Does it need to be in nature more often for balance, centering and grounding? Urges to find an exercise that works for you? More YOU time? Could be as simple as getting a haircut, a new style to uplift your own spirit. I did that yesterday and boy am I glad I did! I felt so much lighter, blissful and yes, younger…even looking in the mirror at the new me and she was glowing, her soul was happier! This my beautiful friends, is self-love and self-care. Transformation isn’t hard, self-love and self-care is not hard, it is a lot easier than we think it to be. And the only thing standing in our way, is us. I often tell myself to get out of my own way. *wink*

Butterfly spiritual meaning: Is a metaphor for a spiritual rebirth, transformation, joy, change, ascension and an ability to experience the wonder of life.

LIZARD SPIRIT: (Dream the world into being) Are you sensing a theme here? Because I certainly am! It is time to dream and dream BIG!!! To me this card feels very much like a Full Moon card by the shape of the background and design. Noticing the small leaf off to the left of the talk grasses and getting the words, “time to turn over a new leaf.” And looks to be a castle in the background, off to the left (bottom). But on closer inspection a village. To me that means either building a tribe or asking your tribe for a different perspective(s). What is it I am not seeing?! What do you see?! I am sure they are more than willing to offer their own words of wisdom to help you out. Building a tribe was a lot easier than I thought it to be. I simply went to a place that similar souls gathered and had like interests! BINGO! I am so happy that I did! These are the people that will be there with no questions ask when the chips fall and no one else in your life, but them can understand where you are coming from. These are the people you wished you had around you in times you felt like the light dim around you and people you thought were your friends, shy off and don’t want to be around you or deal with your issue at hand. Back to the Full Moon, time to let go of the old so that we can welcome in the new and better. “Lizard spiritual meaning


“The spiritual meaning of the Lizard is to be set free of the limitations of the past, and to be born into a higher awareness of self and abilities. The Dragon also offers great insight into the new realms of power. The magic of lizard symbolism is extrasensory perception and clairvoyance.”

SEAHORSE SPIRIT: (watch and wait) Be patient dear heart, dreams take time. If you have been putting forth the work, know that behind the scenes the Universe is working diligently doing their share of the work to bring your dreams into your reality! Watch for signs, wait, but don’t be idle. Keep working on your dream goals, whether it is a small or large task. Keep the ball rolling. But all the while, paying attention so that you don’t miss the signs, the synchronicities, a door of opportunity opening to you. The seahorse is here to remind us to go with the flow, surrender to what’s next, let go of the need to control how it should be. Good luck is on your side, abundance is coming to you, but you must let go of the fear of lack and trust that more and better is on it’s way to you now.

Seahorse spiritual meaning: “Seahorses have positive symbolism and are usually associated with good fortune, love, tenderness and care. These animals are also considered intelligent and mystical. They are associated with healing, watchfulness and tranquility, as well.”

DOLPHIN SPIRIT: (This and that are true) What are your truths? What are your core beliefs? It is time to delve deep into your heart and soul and pull out only what is “truth” for you and let go of what is no longer a truth for you. A time to stand in your truths, to speak your truths no matter what is going on around you. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself and what you believe to be true for you! Be who you are. Stand in your light! Say what you need to say with confidence. Listen to your thoughts and words and decide for yourself, is this still true for me? Is it still useful for me? If not, let them go. But if they are your truths, build upon them. Know that you are safe to rise above what no longer serves you, that you are able to overcome and ascend any obstacle. See the Lotus flower, it is able to float and rise above the murky waters (our obstacles/strife’s) and blossom and grow with beauty and grace. A reminder to have fun and to take time to play! After all our soul is still a child and we must honor that by playing. It is our body, that ages.

Dolphin Spiritual Meaning: “The spiritual significance of dolphins lies in their remarkable gift of tuning into the human emotions, enabling them to communicate with each person on a unique individual emotional level. Lifting the barriers of language, speech, and sound, reaching the heart of a person directly.”

Hope you enjoyed this energy forecast for our upcoming week!

Be seeing you next Sunday!!!

Blessed be,


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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