Sunday, April 28, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for Week of April 29th 2019

Hello My Loves and Welcome back!

This Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with April 29th 2019!
The reading is very similar to ones we have had in the recent past! It shows us that we still have work to do and I will explain that in just a bit!

It has been a cloudy, rainy and sometimes sun this weekend her in our part of Illinois. A bit cooler than last weekend, where it was in the low 80's/High 70's. Quite a difference in temperature, as it is only 45 degrees at 10:30AM. Brrr! I hear it is snowing it some parts of our country! Yikes! Hoping that May brings a nice change and that May Day or Beltane for some of us! (wink)

We have a plethora of beautiful crystals today for this week! I just grabbed my bowl of crystals and went to town! (tee hee) You can pick and choose what works for you. These are only suggestions and what I use personally. Of course, I will only take a few with me when I leave the house! It reminds me of some of my children, who would collect rocks they found to be special and fill their pockets with them! The rocks they found are not just rocks, but crystals! Children, most times with gifts have a need to collect them and just naturally understand their energies for purposes they need!


(for this week)

Desert Rose Quartz
Kambaba Jasper
Light Green Jade
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz (not pictured) is always good. Just don't know where it went to! Ever have that happen? Crystals just disappearing?
To help with Physical Vitality & Energy to fulfill your roles and achieve your goals, I suggest the Desert Rose with the Eudialyte crystals.


Again, this week, I AM working with Wisdom of The Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid - Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia

Please note: That my readings are purely intuitive and not read from the book that comes with the deck. There are times I refer to it. But very seldom. 

Thank you for joining me today!


Here we go! 
(working from left to right)


BLESSED: You truly are! You just don't know how much! We can help attract what we desire by counting our blessings! Actually write them down, and quickly you will discover how many come to mind and how they out weigh the opposite! You have been in your chrysalis for some time now and it is time to live your dreams! Time to motivate, become self-disciplined, motivated! Some of the crystals mentioned above have those energies. Take those crystals with you, carry them in a pocket or wear in a necklace. We sometimes procrastinate at the things we truly want, but we must put in our share of the work and The Universe will take care of the rest! <3


TRUTH BE TOLD: The opportunity is at hand! Take notice! Loving opportunities are in the air! You have all the wisdom you need to accomplish your goal. This is a time to speak your truths, to pull of the mask, to create definitive boundaries and so others know your limitations, this way you have the energy you need to live your dreams! Also, other peoples masks will start to fall away and you will be able to take notice of who and what they truly are. You will know intuitively what to do next or what steps you need to take. You will be shown what needs to be let go of in order for you to live your purpose and create your dreams into reality. <3


COME TO THE EDGE: We are seeing lots of hearts and stars in the cards leading up to our next New Moon which happens on May 4th, 2019. (seen on final card) I AM giddy and my inner child is jumping up and down with this reading!! Here we are being asked to come to the edge of fear (metaphorically of course) and embrace it for what it is and do the thing you need to do anyways! Living your dreams!!
It's right there in front of you! 
If your waiting and dragging your feet, so too is it! (wink)
Let's do this thing! Be your truest and authentic self possible! There are others out there that need what you have to offer with your gifts! <3 (Nice!)


POISED: You are ready! So very ready! You've been ready! You have been working hard and wanting this for so long!! What are you waiting for?! It is time to go for it!!! Even if it feels scary, you are totally safe to start this thing! Get out of your own way and just do it! You will be so happy that you did! You will find yourself, looking back and reminiscing at how far you have come and in such a short amount of time! The only thing holding you back...…….is you. So let's do this thing and celebrate one another's achievements! Cheers! Can you just imagine loved ones, co-workers, partnerships and new friends cheering for and with you, glasses clinking, a lot of "Woot Woot's" going on?! Go ahead, imagine it, that's how dreams become reality! <3


IMAGINE: And LOOK! Here we have the, "Imagine" card! Can't make this stuff up! Today, personally, I don't know, maybe you have been feeling in go through your belongings again, to see if we over-looked stuff we need to get rid of. Both material wise and thought wise. (past things) Always best to do this with the last Full Moon, up to the New Moon. Well, it is good anytime, but especially before the New Moon, because what comes with it, is new beginnings! Clearing space, making space to welcome the new in! Imagine what it will feel like to let go of these things! Imagine what those new things and people are like and what it will feel like having them around you! Go ahead...feel all the feels that go along with them! Pretend and act as if it is already in your reality! Then watch and see the miracles! <3 


If you know of anyone that could benefit from my Weekly Oracle Readings or Personal Readings, Please feel free to give them my email: to either join the mailing list and/or Personal Readings designed just for them. Have them put "Mail List" in the Subject Line!
Much Gratitude! <3

Wishing you all much love, blissful joy and abundance!!! 
Till we meet again!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Earth Day 2019

Hello and Good Morning My Loves!

Hope your holiday weekend was a great one! 

Happy Earth Day!!!

How will you celebrate?

Recycling is a great way to celebrate, get the kids involved so that they too can understand how important it is to take care of our Earth home and make it fun for them, hopefully they will carry on the recycling bug in the future on their own and with their own children some day! 

If you need a little kick in the pants in getting started, this crystal, The Aragonite, is the perfect crystal to help encourage Earth Health, Recycling etc.

This morning I drew a daily card and got the Queen of Swords.

The Queen of Swords is all about getting things done. Taking action, as well as, standing in your own/stepping into your own power/taking back your power. Independence. Set boundaries where and if needed. Speak up for yourself. Speak your truths. QofS speaks truths very sternly here, with love of course.

Look at her stern face, she is telling me, "girl you need to get busy, motivate and step back into your power and start manifesting for the things you need." "You know what you want, now go manifest it!"

The Butterflies on her crown and below her throne are for transformation. Saying to me, "it's time for some growth here, time to spread your wings and soar," 

She is also saying, "Get busy recycling!" *wink* "and what is with this darn spider hanging off my sleeve?!" Just kidding! 

Have a wonderful day! 



Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for the week of April 21st

Good Morning My Loves! 

Happy Saturday!

Thought I would do the Weekly Oracle Reading a day early, since I will be away for the Holiday for a lovely meal!

An Early Happy Easter for those who celebrate the day however it is for you!

As for today, it is April 20th 2017 …...420! The angel number means;  faith, trust, continuity, duplicity, loyalty, understanding, honesty, and servitude. A big concentration on trust and trusting The Universe that all is fine and to have faith in the manifesting process. As long as you do your part of the work, The Universe is more than willing to chime in with the rest, helping you co-create your dreams into your reality.

Thought I would start this off with a photo of the Full PINK Moon that my sweetie took last night! Wish I had that photography skill! 

©2019 Barry Morrison

This Weekly Oracle Reading is for the week beginning with April 22nd 2019.

My apologies that I did not lay out the intended crystals! 

Here they are:
Amethyst (for calmness, trust & faith), you can also use Sodalite or Charoite for this.
Bloodstone (to help encourage joy, bliss & happiness).
Clear Quartz (for clarity, clear thinking/thoughts, creativity and energy. Increases intuition/wisdom).
Smokey Quartz (to help in letting go of the past)

 This week, again, I am working with Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Art Illustrations by Jena DellaGrottaglia


After speaking with my daughter last night, I thought I would throw and overall energy card to start the reading!! Thank you sweetheart!


The Universe is conspiring and has heard our deepest desires and doing their part of the co-creation to bring it to your reality! For some, you may receive a message from someone with a very good news! Be prepared to respond with a quick decision! This opportunity will only come around once! Grab it up for all it's worth and hang on for the ride because you are about to get very busy, in a great way! 



What a beautiful card to represent the upcoming Spring Easter Holiday!! Peace!!! Yes, things have been a bit, ok a lot, out of sorts this past week. Our earth was purging a lot of things and loved ones, not to hurt us, no, not by any means. These things and beautiful souls have served their purpose and time for them to move on so that they can help bring us all the NEW!! 

Things are just waiting to hatch, be born, new beginnings, new opportunities, growth, expansion, gifts and so much more!! Be excited! I AM! We have way more things to be thankful for than not! Write those blessings down! Count your blessings dear heart. Where your put your focus energy flows.



For some of us, we have been busy mending away at healing our past so that we can move forward to better things. Keep at it, if you haven't started, it is never too late to begin the journey in healing dear hearts. The new cannot make itself known if one is still dwelling on the past. Be in the now, take a few deep breaths....3 should do the trick. This will help you connect with the Divine and with Mother Earth, as well as center and ground you, so that you may become better balanced.



I see that this card has made it's appearance again in this weeks reading!! Yay! It is a reminder that if we practice joy & happiness now. As the newness makes it's way to us, if we are in the happiness-mindset, our dreams and goals have no choice but to reveal themselves to us! It is a wonderful thing!



Ooh! I AM getting good goosey chills with this card! SO exciting!!! Change is inevitable, and we must go with the flow of it and trust it's reasoning! Some things need to happen to evoke change. To be open and accepting of that is very important. Why? Things are going to change regardless of how hard we try to control them not too. It is what it is. Everything in life is temporary. So, it is very important to remain open-minded, open-hearted and with open arms and know that everything has it's reason and time on the Earth Plane. This allows change to become easier for us all. Everything we do, affects everyone else. If we emit negative energy, those around us are going to feel and possibly absorb it. None of us want that for others to hold. Same goes for positive vibrations. The whole ripple effect happens and everyone feels it. If we do good deeds daily, those around us are going to feel moved and want to follow suit. Pretty neat, I think!



Yin is the feminine, a motherly, nurturing energy. We all have it, we have both masculine and feminine energies. It creates a balance. Sometimes we lean more to one side or the other with these energies, depending on what we feel we need to do at the time. For instance, maybe there is a situation that requires you to be more structured and jump into action and what we are needing now is the feminine energy of Yin, to be nurturing, caring, to show compassion, to help encourage growth. Yin has a very motherly energy not only to help others but to show ourselves all these things! Be gentle with yourself, be forgiving of yourself, to not hold on to grudges, guilt, angst. To encourage yourself and others to let go of the past and things that do not serve your highest good. Self-love and self-care are the highest forms of love you can give yourself. By taking care of self in this manner, it is felt by others and again that ripple effect comes into play. 


That is all for this weeks reading! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to share or email me at: 

Hope to hear from you! 


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Friday, April 19, 2019

Pink Full Moon in Libra - April 19th, 2019

Good Morning and Hello My Loves! <3

Happy Full Moon Day! Tonight's moon is the Pink Full Moon in Libra! UPDATE: Correction made....It is the PINK Full Moon, not Blue. Hope there was not any confusion. *wink*
What does this mean for us energetically? 

This Full Moon is all about connections/relationships and healing them so that we can rise up to our highest potential. For some of us we are phasing into new directions, that could mean new relationships, stronger connections, career change/spiritual career. All these things and more require us to be healed of our past relationships, our current relationships or partnerships (whether that is business or personal)

 It is also, about finding our center, grounding and more so, our balance. To be honest, this week has been nutzoid, probably not a real word, but that is what I have deemed it to be. But to do things with careful thought, I came to realization(s) that these were old feelings, old ways of thinking and doing things, old patterns coming up and it is up to me (us) to recognize them for what they truly are and nip it in the bud quickly, so that old patterns do not make their way back into my daily routines.

 I have been receiving a lot of 9's and 1's this morning, which mean endings and new beginnings. One door closing and doors of opportunity are opening to us. A gateway of opportunity. I had also, mentioned this in our previous Weekly Oracle Reading last Sunday, April 14th 2019. This opportunity gateway is time sensitive and we are going to be needed to make quick decisions regarding this opportunity. It is very big part your dream goals! You have been manifesting this for some time and now the opportunity will be at hand! To help it all come to it's fruition, you must let go of the past hurts, heal what needs to be healed. Surely, things have been coming up for you and people have been popping back into your life and it throws us into a spin as to what are they doing here and what do they want. They may want to rekindle the relationship. Heal what needs to be healed and move forward. For some it may mean to start over with them but for the most part here, healing is needed so that YOU can move forward. See the situation for what it truly is or if it's being a trickster. Move your awareness to your heart center and listen for answers there. 

Ask Archangel Michael for his assistance, he is standing by and willing to jump into action to help you!

 Then take a few deep breaths, 3 should help relax you and your breathing. 

Then say these words to yourself or out loud to Archangel Michael... "I ask you, Archangel Michael to step in with your mighty sword help me cut the cords to my past, past hurts and people/things I need to let go of." Thank him in advance, then imagine Archangel Michael cutting cords to those things in front of you, back of you, on either side of you and above and beneath you. 

Hope you have prepared for this Full Moon and what your intentions are that you need to release. Here is a lovely little prayer to help you out, when the moon is full tonight!


Prepare a list, review and edit it if need be, so that it matches what you truly need to let go of.

Wishing you all so much love, light and moon magic! 

Stay tuned for Sundays - Weekly Oracle Reading!

See you then!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for April 15th - 21st

Hello My Loves! 

Welcome to our Weekly Oracle Card Reading for the week beginning with April 15th, 2019!

Warning: A bit of a windy post! Lots to share with you!! xx

Crystals: Carnelian or Bloodstone, Clear Quartz. Keeping things simple this week! ;) You, however, may choose your own crystals that you are called to!

For this Weekly Oracle Reading, I am once again working with, Wisdom of the Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Art Illustrations by: Jena DellaGrottaglia.


This week brings us the Full Moon on Friday, April 19th 2019! This is now the time to purge anything that no longer serves you. Whether it is material clutter or mind clutter. This is an on-going process for us all, in doing so, it helps create clarity and creates space to welcome in new gifts from Spirit. <3 I love this week! As I have 2 friends, who have birthdays on this Full Moon, Easter and my youngest daughter will be visiting us for 4 days!! 

Do you have a special way of celebrating or rituals for the Full Moon, share them with us in the comments if you feel so inclined to do so! Maybe others feel like there ritual is lacking a certain something and it may spark some inspiration!

As for me, I have more than one alter! (giggles) I have one for seasonal, which now has the Ostara offerings on.
Ostara Alter

 Another for manifesting, spells etc.
Manifesting/Spells Alter

And then I have a tall cabinet (curio cabinet) I recently purchased, that has a light in it that houses all my Tarot and Oracle Decks and other Divination Tools like crystals, candles, some herbs and clearing materials. Of course then there is the current space I am working at and typing this reading, shown in the photo above! Love my sacred spaces! Who knows how many I may end up with! *wink*


My ritual probably needs some luster, but I light candles through the rooms that I can easily watch them. I write down what I need to let go of on paper and then crumple it up and then speak a few words such as, 

"I now release these things that no  longer serve me and ask Spirit to take them for transmutation and transformation, so that good and better may enter my life. And So it is!"

And then burn the crumpled paper in a safe container. I hope to have a firepit soon in the backyard and use that with the full moon ritual! 

Thought I would also share what I am currently working on! 
Thought it time to create my own...

Book of Shadows!!
Front of BOS

Back of BOS 
Not quite finished with it just yet! ;)

I actually, want to make copies of the front and back covers and move it to a binder of sorts, where I can add or remove as needed, since I created these covers on an old art journal, which will never be big enough to hold all the goodies! 


On to the Weekly Oracle Reading! Whew! ;)

HAPPY HAPPY: To start this week off on the right foot, meaning the key to happiness is choosing to be happy and by being our truest authentic self possible. I know you hear me say that time after time, but it is something that we all need to be reminded of every now and then so we can get back on track. In starting the week off in this manner, it will help get you through the rest of the week. I know for some of us, we have been very busy manifesting our dreams and this week we need to stay focused on the positive because later in the week things may get a little wonky around the Full Moon. <3


TICK -TOCK: Opportunity has or will present itself this week, do not let it pass you by! While reading these cards the door to our backdoor (which is right behind me) whooshed open! Instantly, I thought of the door of opportunity has opened or will open and the saying, when one door closes, another one opens! This opportunity is time-sensitive and you must be focused and prepared to make a decision regarding this opportunity. Ground and Center yourself, daily if need-be, so when the time calls for action you will be prepared and ready to make that decision without hesitation. <3


POISED: My dear darling hearts, you are so ready for this! You have been working so hard to reach this point and time in your journey (I just got the good goosey-bumps) Know that you have all the confidence and courage you will ever need! You are a star!! Look at her in the photo, she is in pure bliss, jumping for joy and has reached for the stars and here they are presenting themselves to her and she is doing a little 'Happy Dance'!! Know that this is you! We can all have this bliss, it is waiting within for us to realize and recognize it! <3 


NEVER-ENDING STORY: I am sure you all recognize this little fairy in yourself....we keep trying to do the same things time and again with the results unchanging. Same ol' same ol'. We need to go about things differently now because we have changed and doing things in our old ways is not serving us well or at all! For some it may mean, the whole 'waiting game' theme. Waiting for something good to happen. Guess what, Stop waiting! Do other things till whatever you are waiting for to happen! Do things that create joy in your life, in your free-time. If free-time is all you have, then use it wisely by doing the things you love to do. Time will pass quicker this way and bring better results. <3


ORPHANED: Maybe for some of us we are feeling lonely, not getting enough time in the outside world. The need for companionship. This awakening journey is hard, I know and understand. It can be lonely at times. This happens so we can work on what we need to be working on. We have a job to do. It may be inner-works for some, or learning to be your own friend, loving who you are, so that in time you will draw the right people you deserve to you! Again, the whole being your truest authentic self comes in to play here. Know that you are so loved, and never alone. You have guides, angels, masters, archangels who love you unconditionally and willing to help you in any way they can and all you have to do is call on them. Remember to ground, center and find balance when these feelings arise. The angels are standing by to help you any time you need. <3


That is all for this week my loves! 

Blessings, love and light! <3


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Welcome Back! Weekly Oracle Reading April 7, 2019

Hello Loves!

It has been awhile since I have been here on this blog! 

I AM going to be revamping it soon and offer new things for you!

We shall start off with our first blog post with …

Our Weekly Oracle Reading 

for the Week beginning with April 7th 2019!!

Hope you find this reading helpful and find healing in this reading! 

If you did find it helpful, monetary donations are always welcome but not required.

There is a Donation image to the right-top of this post! Look for the Coffee Cup image! Then click on it to donate! Much Gratitude in advance! <3<3<3

Thank you! Hope you enjoy this reading!

(See it below)

CRYSTALS: Crystals I choose for this reading (you may use what feels right for you), Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Hematite and Amethyst. (not all are pictured)

NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Coming back to self is like coming home to the place you live. You feel safe to let go and be yourself. Now it is time to get out and meet people, make connections, whether it is friends, family, partnerships, what ever it is you feel you need more of in  your life. More love opportunities! This goes along with creating your tribe and how important it is to have one that nurtures you and you to them in return. A support system for anything that is going on in your offer advice, wisdom, support and different perspectives to help you on your path and theirs.
This is a time to work on becoming the highest possible authentic version of self. <3


IMAGINE: You may have been thinking of a career move, a new job, or possible move to another place. This past New Moon is still in effect and is helping us realize our potential and dreams realized. We are being encouraged now, to materialize/manifest this new career, job, a move, or what ever it is for you, by knowing that we have that power within us to manifest what we desire in our lives. If your intentions are set, then it is time to take at least 5 minutes a day, no more than 15 minutes, to visualize what that looks like for us, how would you feel in that new career, job etc., what do you see, want to see, visualize your appointment book full, how busy you are and how you feel! Feel excited and blissful about it, fulfilled in it and it's entirety now. Feel those things now, that is how we reach our dreams and goals is for us to visualize them as they have already come to fruition. Which they have already, it may not be physically tangible, but it will appear as you envision it as it being your current reality. <3 (buy some small item that you would want to see in your new office or new home...some sort of trinket that you will see daily to remind you of how you got there with  your powerful manifesting skills!!) <3


TIME FOR A NAP: You have been busy reaching new goals, setting intentions, planting seeds, manifesting, movement and reaching new heights, it is now time to step back to rest, relax, knowing all is good. Rest dear hearts, soon you will be busy enough, a good busy, living the life of your dreams that you created for self. <3


MILK AND HONEY: Oooh! Rainbows! You know I love them! Been seeing them everywhere! It is a good sign, not just for me but for others as well! Look at the joyful tiny elephant blissfully playing in that big bowl of milk and honey!!! It is pure joy!!! Which is a sign of what we should be feeling right now in this moment! All the while knowing our dreams are becoming our reality! <3


TREASURE ISLAND: Look at what is coming towards us!!! Everything we are working hard for, thought all the sweat and tears! Believe your dreams are here in the now, visualize them, trust it, have faith in  yourself that you have worked so very hard and have the confidence that you so deserve this! Our dreams have surfaced and on their way to us now! <3

If you would like to be put on the mailing list for these readings, just email me at: and add "Mailing List" in the subject line! Thank you!

Much love light and peace! Till we meet again!

Namaste and Blessed Be


Rev. Nancy Baumiller