Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for the week of April 21st

Good Morning My Loves! 

Happy Saturday!

Thought I would do the Weekly Oracle Reading a day early, since I will be away for the Holiday for a lovely meal!

An Early Happy Easter for those who celebrate the day however it is for you!

As for today, it is April 20th 2017 …...420! The angel number means;  faith, trust, continuity, duplicity, loyalty, understanding, honesty, and servitude. A big concentration on trust and trusting The Universe that all is fine and to have faith in the manifesting process. As long as you do your part of the work, The Universe is more than willing to chime in with the rest, helping you co-create your dreams into your reality.

Thought I would start this off with a photo of the Full PINK Moon that my sweetie took last night! Wish I had that photography skill! 

©2019 Barry Morrison

This Weekly Oracle Reading is for the week beginning with April 22nd 2019.

My apologies that I did not lay out the intended crystals! 

Here they are:
Amethyst (for calmness, trust & faith), you can also use Sodalite or Charoite for this.
Bloodstone (to help encourage joy, bliss & happiness).
Clear Quartz (for clarity, clear thinking/thoughts, creativity and energy. Increases intuition/wisdom).
Smokey Quartz (to help in letting go of the past)

 This week, again, I am working with Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Art Illustrations by Jena DellaGrottaglia


After speaking with my daughter last night, I thought I would throw and overall energy card to start the reading!! Thank you sweetheart!


The Universe is conspiring and has heard our deepest desires and doing their part of the co-creation to bring it to your reality! For some, you may receive a message from someone with a very good news! Be prepared to respond with a quick decision! This opportunity will only come around once! Grab it up for all it's worth and hang on for the ride because you are about to get very busy, in a great way! 



What a beautiful card to represent the upcoming Spring Easter Holiday!! Peace!!! Yes, things have been a bit, ok a lot, out of sorts this past week. Our earth was purging a lot of things and loved ones, not to hurt us, no, not by any means. These things and beautiful souls have served their purpose and time for them to move on so that they can help bring us all the NEW!! 

Things are just waiting to hatch, be born, new beginnings, new opportunities, growth, expansion, gifts and so much more!! Be excited! I AM! We have way more things to be thankful for than not! Write those blessings down! Count your blessings dear heart. Where your put your focus energy flows.



For some of us, we have been busy mending away at healing our past so that we can move forward to better things. Keep at it, if you haven't started, it is never too late to begin the journey in healing dear hearts. The new cannot make itself known if one is still dwelling on the past. Be in the now, take a few deep breaths....3 should do the trick. This will help you connect with the Divine and with Mother Earth, as well as center and ground you, so that you may become better balanced.



I see that this card has made it's appearance again in this weeks reading!! Yay! It is a reminder that if we practice joy & happiness now. As the newness makes it's way to us, if we are in the happiness-mindset, our dreams and goals have no choice but to reveal themselves to us! It is a wonderful thing!



Ooh! I AM getting good goosey chills with this card! SO exciting!!! Change is inevitable, and we must go with the flow of it and trust it's reasoning! Some things need to happen to evoke change. To be open and accepting of that is very important. Why? Things are going to change regardless of how hard we try to control them not too. It is what it is. Everything in life is temporary. So, it is very important to remain open-minded, open-hearted and with open arms and know that everything has it's reason and time on the Earth Plane. This allows change to become easier for us all. Everything we do, affects everyone else. If we emit negative energy, those around us are going to feel and possibly absorb it. None of us want that for others to hold. Same goes for positive vibrations. The whole ripple effect happens and everyone feels it. If we do good deeds daily, those around us are going to feel moved and want to follow suit. Pretty neat, I think!



Yin is the feminine, a motherly, nurturing energy. We all have it, we have both masculine and feminine energies. It creates a balance. Sometimes we lean more to one side or the other with these energies, depending on what we feel we need to do at the time. For instance, maybe there is a situation that requires you to be more structured and jump into action and what we are needing now is the feminine energy of Yin, to be nurturing, caring, to show compassion, to help encourage growth. Yin has a very motherly energy not only to help others but to show ourselves all these things! Be gentle with yourself, be forgiving of yourself, to not hold on to grudges, guilt, angst. To encourage yourself and others to let go of the past and things that do not serve your highest good. Self-love and self-care are the highest forms of love you can give yourself. By taking care of self in this manner, it is felt by others and again that ripple effect comes into play. 


That is all for this weeks reading! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to share or email me at: 

Hope to hear from you! 


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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