Sunday, April 14, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for April 15th - 21st

Hello My Loves! 

Welcome to our Weekly Oracle Card Reading for the week beginning with April 15th, 2019!

Warning: A bit of a windy post! Lots to share with you!! xx

Crystals: Carnelian or Bloodstone, Clear Quartz. Keeping things simple this week! ;) You, however, may choose your own crystals that you are called to!

For this Weekly Oracle Reading, I am once again working with, Wisdom of the Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Art Illustrations by: Jena DellaGrottaglia.


This week brings us the Full Moon on Friday, April 19th 2019! This is now the time to purge anything that no longer serves you. Whether it is material clutter or mind clutter. This is an on-going process for us all, in doing so, it helps create clarity and creates space to welcome in new gifts from Spirit. <3 I love this week! As I have 2 friends, who have birthdays on this Full Moon, Easter and my youngest daughter will be visiting us for 4 days!! 

Do you have a special way of celebrating or rituals for the Full Moon, share them with us in the comments if you feel so inclined to do so! Maybe others feel like there ritual is lacking a certain something and it may spark some inspiration!

As for me, I have more than one alter! (giggles) I have one for seasonal, which now has the Ostara offerings on.
Ostara Alter

 Another for manifesting, spells etc.
Manifesting/Spells Alter

And then I have a tall cabinet (curio cabinet) I recently purchased, that has a light in it that houses all my Tarot and Oracle Decks and other Divination Tools like crystals, candles, some herbs and clearing materials. Of course then there is the current space I am working at and typing this reading, shown in the photo above! Love my sacred spaces! Who knows how many I may end up with! *wink*


My ritual probably needs some luster, but I light candles through the rooms that I can easily watch them. I write down what I need to let go of on paper and then crumple it up and then speak a few words such as, 

"I now release these things that no  longer serve me and ask Spirit to take them for transmutation and transformation, so that good and better may enter my life. And So it is!"

And then burn the crumpled paper in a safe container. I hope to have a firepit soon in the backyard and use that with the full moon ritual! 

Thought I would also share what I am currently working on! 
Thought it time to create my own...

Book of Shadows!!
Front of BOS

Back of BOS 
Not quite finished with it just yet! ;)

I actually, want to make copies of the front and back covers and move it to a binder of sorts, where I can add or remove as needed, since I created these covers on an old art journal, which will never be big enough to hold all the goodies! 


On to the Weekly Oracle Reading! Whew! ;)

HAPPY HAPPY: To start this week off on the right foot, meaning the key to happiness is choosing to be happy and by being our truest authentic self possible. I know you hear me say that time after time, but it is something that we all need to be reminded of every now and then so we can get back on track. In starting the week off in this manner, it will help get you through the rest of the week. I know for some of us, we have been very busy manifesting our dreams and this week we need to stay focused on the positive because later in the week things may get a little wonky around the Full Moon. <3


TICK -TOCK: Opportunity has or will present itself this week, do not let it pass you by! While reading these cards the door to our backdoor (which is right behind me) whooshed open! Instantly, I thought of the door of opportunity has opened or will open and the saying, when one door closes, another one opens! This opportunity is time-sensitive and you must be focused and prepared to make a decision regarding this opportunity. Ground and Center yourself, daily if need-be, so when the time calls for action you will be prepared and ready to make that decision without hesitation. <3


POISED: My dear darling hearts, you are so ready for this! You have been working so hard to reach this point and time in your journey (I just got the good goosey-bumps) Know that you have all the confidence and courage you will ever need! You are a star!! Look at her in the photo, she is in pure bliss, jumping for joy and has reached for the stars and here they are presenting themselves to her and she is doing a little 'Happy Dance'!! Know that this is you! We can all have this bliss, it is waiting within for us to realize and recognize it! <3 


NEVER-ENDING STORY: I am sure you all recognize this little fairy in yourself....we keep trying to do the same things time and again with the results unchanging. Same ol' same ol'. We need to go about things differently now because we have changed and doing things in our old ways is not serving us well or at all! For some it may mean, the whole 'waiting game' theme. Waiting for something good to happen. Guess what, Stop waiting! Do other things till whatever you are waiting for to happen! Do things that create joy in your life, in your free-time. If free-time is all you have, then use it wisely by doing the things you love to do. Time will pass quicker this way and bring better results. <3


ORPHANED: Maybe for some of us we are feeling lonely, not getting enough time in the outside world. The need for companionship. This awakening journey is hard, I know and understand. It can be lonely at times. This happens so we can work on what we need to be working on. We have a job to do. It may be inner-works for some, or learning to be your own friend, loving who you are, so that in time you will draw the right people you deserve to you! Again, the whole being your truest authentic self comes in to play here. Know that you are so loved, and never alone. You have guides, angels, masters, archangels who love you unconditionally and willing to help you in any way they can and all you have to do is call on them. Remember to ground, center and find balance when these feelings arise. The angels are standing by to help you any time you need. <3


That is all for this week my loves! 

Blessings, love and light! <3


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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