Sunday, April 28, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for Week of April 29th 2019

Hello My Loves and Welcome back!

This Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with April 29th 2019!
The reading is very similar to ones we have had in the recent past! It shows us that we still have work to do and I will explain that in just a bit!

It has been a cloudy, rainy and sometimes sun this weekend her in our part of Illinois. A bit cooler than last weekend, where it was in the low 80's/High 70's. Quite a difference in temperature, as it is only 45 degrees at 10:30AM. Brrr! I hear it is snowing it some parts of our country! Yikes! Hoping that May brings a nice change and that May Day or Beltane for some of us! (wink)

We have a plethora of beautiful crystals today for this week! I just grabbed my bowl of crystals and went to town! (tee hee) You can pick and choose what works for you. These are only suggestions and what I use personally. Of course, I will only take a few with me when I leave the house! It reminds me of some of my children, who would collect rocks they found to be special and fill their pockets with them! The rocks they found are not just rocks, but crystals! Children, most times with gifts have a need to collect them and just naturally understand their energies for purposes they need!


(for this week)

Desert Rose Quartz
Kambaba Jasper
Light Green Jade
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz (not pictured) is always good. Just don't know where it went to! Ever have that happen? Crystals just disappearing?
To help with Physical Vitality & Energy to fulfill your roles and achieve your goals, I suggest the Desert Rose with the Eudialyte crystals.


Again, this week, I AM working with Wisdom of The Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid - Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia

Please note: That my readings are purely intuitive and not read from the book that comes with the deck. There are times I refer to it. But very seldom. 

Thank you for joining me today!


Here we go! 
(working from left to right)


BLESSED: You truly are! You just don't know how much! We can help attract what we desire by counting our blessings! Actually write them down, and quickly you will discover how many come to mind and how they out weigh the opposite! You have been in your chrysalis for some time now and it is time to live your dreams! Time to motivate, become self-disciplined, motivated! Some of the crystals mentioned above have those energies. Take those crystals with you, carry them in a pocket or wear in a necklace. We sometimes procrastinate at the things we truly want, but we must put in our share of the work and The Universe will take care of the rest! <3


TRUTH BE TOLD: The opportunity is at hand! Take notice! Loving opportunities are in the air! You have all the wisdom you need to accomplish your goal. This is a time to speak your truths, to pull of the mask, to create definitive boundaries and so others know your limitations, this way you have the energy you need to live your dreams! Also, other peoples masks will start to fall away and you will be able to take notice of who and what they truly are. You will know intuitively what to do next or what steps you need to take. You will be shown what needs to be let go of in order for you to live your purpose and create your dreams into reality. <3


COME TO THE EDGE: We are seeing lots of hearts and stars in the cards leading up to our next New Moon which happens on May 4th, 2019. (seen on final card) I AM giddy and my inner child is jumping up and down with this reading!! Here we are being asked to come to the edge of fear (metaphorically of course) and embrace it for what it is and do the thing you need to do anyways! Living your dreams!!
It's right there in front of you! 
If your waiting and dragging your feet, so too is it! (wink)
Let's do this thing! Be your truest and authentic self possible! There are others out there that need what you have to offer with your gifts! <3 (Nice!)


POISED: You are ready! So very ready! You've been ready! You have been working hard and wanting this for so long!! What are you waiting for?! It is time to go for it!!! Even if it feels scary, you are totally safe to start this thing! Get out of your own way and just do it! You will be so happy that you did! You will find yourself, looking back and reminiscing at how far you have come and in such a short amount of time! The only thing holding you back...…….is you. So let's do this thing and celebrate one another's achievements! Cheers! Can you just imagine loved ones, co-workers, partnerships and new friends cheering for and with you, glasses clinking, a lot of "Woot Woot's" going on?! Go ahead, imagine it, that's how dreams become reality! <3


IMAGINE: And LOOK! Here we have the, "Imagine" card! Can't make this stuff up! Today, personally, I don't know, maybe you have been feeling in go through your belongings again, to see if we over-looked stuff we need to get rid of. Both material wise and thought wise. (past things) Always best to do this with the last Full Moon, up to the New Moon. Well, it is good anytime, but especially before the New Moon, because what comes with it, is new beginnings! Clearing space, making space to welcome the new in! Imagine what it will feel like to let go of these things! Imagine what those new things and people are like and what it will feel like having them around you! Go ahead...feel all the feels that go along with them! Pretend and act as if it is already in your reality! Then watch and see the miracles! <3 


If you know of anyone that could benefit from my Weekly Oracle Readings or Personal Readings, Please feel free to give them my email: to either join the mailing list and/or Personal Readings designed just for them. Have them put "Mail List" in the Subject Line!
Much Gratitude! <3

Wishing you all much love, blissful joy and abundance!!! 
Till we meet again!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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