Sunday, July 28, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for July 29th - August 4th 2019

Hello My Loves!!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with July 29th, 2019 with your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Don’t know about you, but this last week has been a wild ride! The Universe is purging, in order to bring us new!! The Lions Gate, the gateway, has begun to open and will remain open until August 12th 2019. You can always tell when opportunity is about to knock and when the doors begin to open up to us. Havoc breaks loose, you ask yourself, “is there a full moon out or something?”, things went south this last week and so glad I had someone there to remind me, that I have a choice in how I respond to it. I admit, I did not respond well to it after losing a friend to cancer, my bank card would not work so that I could get my car out of the car repair shop after almost 2 weeks of waiting and other things started to pile up. I sat in this mess, and the next morning, I decided that I cannot expect good if I want to dwell in the negative. I did my letting go, with love and took a small step forward.
This is the time to let go, because we have a New Moon approaching us on July 31st, 2019. It is time to clear and cleanse space, so that you can make room both, inside you and around you for what you wish to manifest. Sage, sweep, whatever your ritual is, now is the time to do so. I, for one, am allergic to sage, of all things! I know right?! I use incense and light. I light tea light candles and some tall white candles. Center yourself, stay grounded and get out that list of intentions and add to, edit, review until it says exactly what you want to manifest! Go ahead, dream big! The Universe is very literal, so be careful with your wording. Be precise and to the point. 
(Not my photo, but I am beginning to work with crystal grids, it is fun!)
I recently found a comment on my blog here from a lovely soul, asking what do I do with crystals and how can I use them. However, you feel inspired!!  First of all, choosing your crystals…let the crystals call out to you, you will know it by listening to your intuition and also when you are in a store choosing them, it is much like choosing Tarot or Oracle decks. What draws you in?! What feeling do you get when you see and feel around the crystals?! If you are listening to your intuition, you will know which are the right ones for you. So, thank you for the comment, it means a lot to me! 

You can use crystals for healing in many ways! You can include them in gifts for others who had no clue they needed that crystal and turns out it was exactly what they needed! Use them in your work or at work. You can sew them into products you intend to sell for healing purposes. You can carry crystals in your pocket throughout the day, like your own little support team! You can wear them as a necklace. There are no rules really, as long as intentions are good. Listen for guidance. You will know exactly what is needed.

The crystal list that I provide each week is for you to pick and choose what you need for the week! You can add it to other crystals for an extra boost! 


Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz
Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli 
Tigers Eye
Black Obsidian or Black Onyx
Iron Pyrite

These are all excellent crystals to help you in manifesting your dreams!
Our reading this week I am (again) working with Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia. I am also adding in cards from Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland, art by Nyx Rowan. I seen the image in my minds eye and knew that I must also include this deck in the reading! So here we go!

The top card with the big moon on it is for the all over energy for this week! It says, “Look at the bigger picture.”  Yes, we are only having a New Moon, just because we cannot see the whole new moon, does not mean it does not exist and this is what The Universe is asking us to do. Just because we can’t see the Big Dream we have, does not mean it does not exist. We have to have a part in how we create it. We cannot simply wish for it and expect things to magically happen. We ARE the magicians in our own lives! Do your soul work, clear out what is not serving a purpose or your highest good, listen to your intuition, take small steps in the direction of your dreams. And our reading says just that!

(sorry for my lack of photography skills *wink)

CHAOS AND CONFLICT: This card (at least for me) shows the past events of the week! Yup! There may still be somethings going to happen, to get our attention, till we learn the lesson. Mine, was not participating in the madness of the week. To just go with the flow, instead of trying to fight it. It could be similar for you perhaps. Again, things must fall away for new to enter. Watch when you manifest things purposely next time, then watch the events unfold that follow it. It will look like madness, chaos etc., and it is up to us in how we choose to participate or not too participate. If it is not meant for you, regardless of what you do or say, it WILL fall away in some manner.

FLEXIBLE: Yes, flexible, go with the flow instead of fighting it. Let go of control of the situation. Let go with love and surrender to what needs to happen. Things will go much smoother when we do. Look at the card (if you can see it HA! *wink) The person is poised and balanced on top of an egg, eggs stand for Birth, Rebirth, New, Newness, Beginnings! They know what they want and are focused only on the tasks they need to do and allow the egg to hatch when the divine timing is right. Keep going, you are right on track!

CLEAN IT UP: Go on, get busy, cleaning things up! Stand up and dust yourself off, then clear the space or spaces around you, so that you and they speak what you wish to manifest. Make room. Clear out the clutter in spaces in your home or office (both), this also goes for clearing out mind clutter. This is why it is so important to rid yourself of mind-clutter. The stuff that does not serve you well like, old thought patterns that no longer work for you, doing things differently. Change up your daily routine. Add things to it that creates a better version of self. Maybe, eating healthier, drinking more water, exercise, being more organized, setting your priorities, setting boundaries, making time for self-love and self-care. Listen to your body and your higher self, you will hear or know what you need to do for you!

UNFINISHED SYMPONY: Looks like this card is coming up again for us! I shuffled thoroughly; I swear! You cannot make this stuff up!  It is time to tie up loose ends, say goodbye to what or who no longer serves you. Let it go with love, they don’t need to know that. Only you and the Universe need to know. And don’t forget about forgiveness, forgiving others in your heart and soul, again they don’t have to hear it, it just has to be said in your mind heart and soul. This forgiveness helps you move forward. It begins the healing process. Something we often forget to do for ourselves is to forgive and to also forgive ourselves for holding onto something that is not meant for us any longer. They or it, are needed elsewhere. Ask Archangel Michael for assistance in cutting the cords between you and them(it) whatever it may be for you. Archangel Michael is very swift with his sword and will jump into action by asking him to do so! Imagine him cutting cords between you and them (it), then imagine him cutting cords in front and behind you, beside you and above and below you. No worries, you cannot lose your connection with The Universe and your grounding with the Earth Plane. He will only cut the cords that are attached to what you are letting go of. Then simply give gratitude.

THE TRIBE: I missed my monthly tribe gathering, I was so worn out from work, the week etc., I decided to camp out on our couch all day yesterday! Just rest! I really missed seeing my tribe, but I so needed to rest. I can’t be good for anyone if I am not good for myself. So, I rested. Simple as that!  For some, this card may mean it is time to gather your tribe, to build it. Find groups and people who have similar interests and are like-minded spirits! It is so worth the effort! Because you gather people who think like you do, they just “get you” and are there for you when you need a helping hand. It’s a support system. A family. Your tribe! I know many years, I went without anyone, no friends there to talk to, or help when it was so needed. I wish I would have known to build a tribe then. I love my tribe and I am not going back to how I used to do things! Build your tribe, you will be so glad you did! I know I AM!

Now go get out those intentions’ lists, review, edit, change it, add to it! Make it match what you wish to manifest! Heck! Go above and beyond! You are bound to land somewhere in between!

Till next week!

Blessed Be,

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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