Sunday, July 7, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading July 8th - 14th 2019

Hello My Loves

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading, for the week beginning with July 8th – July 14th,  2019, with your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Things are shifting and changing both in The Universe and our personal lives. Surely, some of you have noticed that things and people are falling away from your life. I know mine has dramatically! My boyfriend decided to call it quits, I AM okay and doing what is necessary for me to stay balanced and grounded and knowing that things are going to get better very quickly!! For that I am grateful for! And it’s not just for me, things will get better very quickly for many of you! I know, I AM ready for new and better in my life and I know you are too! 

We have entered Mercury Retrograde, I know, Ugh! LOL Do your best to stay positive and very important to stay grounded. This retrograde, pushes our limits in so many ways. You can expect lost emails, phones and other devices to be touch and go, possibly appliances acting weird or need an unexpected fix. It is all about the ‘RE” words now, relax, replenish, rejuvenate, renewal. Endings are about with so much better to replace it! Doors of opportunity are opening! Even much more next month in August 8th 2019with the Lions Gate Portal! A gateway that is for all of us and granting us better. It is a gateway will be in alignment between the Physical and Spiritual Realms with increased cosmic energy flowing in between. Intense surge of light awakens our DNA so we can receive the codes of awakening. You may have witnessed a bit of that recently around all the earth quakes around the world. 11:11 popping up every where for many people! This is why we are now seeing, changes in big ways, relationships, career, life purpose, health, home, travel even soul work. A time to let go of things that no longer serve us and our highest good. Some things will fall away on their own. And all the while knowing, that better is making it’s way to you! 

Crystals for this week:

I choose Pyrite personally, to keep the peace while I do my thing.

Rose Quartz for healing the heart and manifesting new love opportunities, friends, romance, partners, business partners etc.

Clear Quartz for clear thinking, clarity.

Amethyst calming and calm sleep.

Citrine for intuition, self-esteem, confidence. Also great for attracting wealth and prosperity.

Carnelian: also, for confidence, empowerment & physical vitality.

Sodalite: for speaking your truths, public speaking, rational thought, also helps with emotional balance and can calm panic attacks.

Green Aventurine: for this week for creativity! Creating and manifesting the new! Abundance, Good Luck, wealth. You can use Jade if you don’t have this.

On to the reading!

Working with Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

 UNFINISHED SYMPHONY: Things are always at a constant change and opportunities are about and now is a super great time to tie up loose ends. Finish projects or tasks. Cut the ties with your past and recent past. As you do these tasks, the music will come back and soon you will be humming/singing a new tune! New is about to break free and it is just waiting for you to do the work necessary so that you can witness it for all the good it contains. This also has to do with endings of relationships or careers etc. This cycle is almost complete, so make the time to get things done. Soul-Work!!!

SOUL MATES: Not all relationships are destined to be soul mate material. And when break-ups happen, new is already in the works, know this in your heart of hearts! Keep going about your business in getting things that need to be done, done. Making arrangements, spending time with your tribe, ask for help from them or other people you feel safe in doing so. And do make time for you, take care of you! Fill your cup back up, find time to just relax and rejuvenate! Things will be moving along quickly very soon and you will need the energy for it! Once you do all these things, you will see better entering your life! Things will feel fresh and new, and you will be ready to embrace it!! No worries, love will find you in divine timing! *wink*

MENDING: Mending is definitely needed right now! Do the things that bring you bliss. Things you haven’t thought about or done in a very long time. I find it very healing to journal, more so art journal, make healing things! These things have gotten me through some very tough times and as a plus you have art to show for it!!! To feel joy again doing the things you once loved doing. Don’t forget to send all those things that are falling away some, love and light. Sure, you might feel a little miffed right now, but you know it is the right thing to do, so that they too can find peace and move on.

THINKER: I see Winnie The Pooh tapping his forehead and saying, “think think think!”  Sometimes we think too much, spend to much time doing so. Then we are allowing the ego to step in and take over and we end up thinking about ever darn scenario that could of happened, did happen, what could I have said/done differently. None of that matters now. It is all in the past. The future isn’t here either, so all we have is the now and what good we can put it in. Get up, move about, do something different, get out of your head. Get busy doing all those tasks we talked about earlier. Kick all that mumbo jumbo to the curb and dust yourself off. Surely, we will feel some fear in there, but it is okay, let it be what it is, just push that fear in a chair and tell it to stay there while you go and do your thing!

SERENDIPITY: Soon we will jump for joy! Get that work done so you can do just that!! While you are doing the work necessary, you will start to see little serendipities occurring around you, they will start out small and then grow! Look at that 4-leaf clover! Luck, love and abundance is on it’s way to you now! Believe it with all your might! Trust the process, it may be a bit rocky right now, but in time it will all smooth out and you will have new and different things going on in your life as well as new people to share it with! So know that all is good and you my dear heart are the magician that can make all of your dreams come true!

Wishing you many blessings, love, light and healing!

Be seeing you next week!!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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