Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading May 27 - June 2nd

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week beginning with,

May 27th - June 2nd, 2019

with your hostess

Rev. Nancy Baumiller


CRYSTALS for this week:

Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz


For this weekly reading, I am working with (once again) Wisdom of The Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid, and the Artists work is by Jena DellaGrottaglia 
(you will come to find I adore this deck)

On to the reading.....

Weekly Oracle Reading May 27th - June 2nd 2019

NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Yes, home is our sacred sanctuary, but so is ourselves. This week, we are being reminding, more like nudged to come back to ourselves, to our sovereignty. We really want to make something of our lives, but we have to be there, to be present in it all and to participate in the co-creation of our dreams and goals. This is one of our goals this week, is to step back into our own sovereignty and begin or continue to be who we are, our truest authentic self possible in the present time. This is what life is truly about, becoming who we are truly meant to be on this earth plane! Be yourself, then watch for serendipities, as they unfold, you will be given tiny clues/glimpses as the magic reveals itself to you!


YANG: Yang is a masculine energy and this week it carries for us, self-discipline, to step it up, bring it on, up our game! We need to give ourselves this gift, our higher-self knows what we need and willing wants to see you succeed in being who you were meant to be and living the life of your dreams! Are you ready to finally live that dream? Stop waiting and procrastinating! Go get it!!


HAPPY HAPPY: The one and only road to happiness (the key) is to simply just decide to be happy! Yes! You have that choice at any given time! Just decide! "I AM HAPPY"! Did you know that "I AM" are the most powerful 2 little words there are?! It is true! Every time you say them you are creating and co-creating, manifesting whatever you said right after them into your life!, Yup! It's true! Be your true-self, your Happy True Self! 


LOYAL HEART: Yes, it is important to be loyal to those you love, but what about yourself? Are you being loyal to your own heart and dreams? You so deserve that love dear heart! Maybe you are single and still waiting for that special someone, ok, let's help that along by starting with giving yourself that love you so desire from having a partner in your life, Why wait for it?! You can totally give yourself all the love and romance you deserve and desire!! Yes and Why not?! No sense really in waiting for it! Start now! When you love who you are and give yourself plenty of self-love and self-care, I will put my money on it, that who you desire in your life will reveal themselves to you once you put in the work of loving yourself first! 


THE FATES: Ok so now that you have put in the work this week, don't stop there!! When you put it the work and keep at it, you are aligning yourself up with your dreams and goals! And those lovely dream of living your dreams start becoming your reality. All because you chose YOU! You showed up! Oh! What's that I hear?! I hear the wheel of change, turning upright! Remember, when change is about to happen, it will look a little bit like obstacles, unwanted tasks, don't let that stop you, keep going! These changes must occur before that that good juicy stuff arrives! So keep your chin up and keep taking tiny steps forward my friend! Keep those thoughts, words and actions on the positive, let go of the outcome! Just enjoy the ride! 


Alright, my loves that is our reading for this week! 

(UPDATE) Oops! I almost forgot, we have a New Moon coming up on June 3rd 2019...Which means it is time to write, review and edit our list of intentions in which we wish to manifest with the moon! Hop to it!!! Opportunities await you!!

Till we meet again!

Ta Ta!!!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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