Sunday, June 2, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for June 3rd - 9th 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our next Weekly Oracle Reading with your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

This reading is for the week beginning with June 3rd – 9th, 2019

We are still getting lots of rain here but we are safe! However, for a couple towns over in Alton & Grafton Illinois, has really bad flooding, and they are expecting the waters to crest even higher. And also, more flooding from the Mississippi River as you cross the bridge from Illinois into St. Louis Missouri. So, if you have a minute, please send some good vibes and/or prayers to those towns and their people.

Much Gratitude!

Our New Moon is almost here, tomorrow in fact June 3rd, 2019! Get busy manifesting, setting intentions for what you want more of in your life! 


For this week are:

Kyanite or Sodalite

Rose Quartz

Clear Quartz





Again, this week I am using the Wisdom of the Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

…And onto our reading!

FORK IN THE ROAD: If you remember in last weeks reading it showed change, change is in the works for some of us. The trick is to allow it and fear in but to let it ride in the back seat and be quiet while you drive your vehicle of life. (your journey) Take notice of this change, it will feel like a detour, but in a good way, something you overlooked or did not even think of. A welcomed detour and more like an “AH HA” moment(s)! Don’t you just love how the Universe drops subtle hints in our path, and then it is totally up to us in what we do with it or which road to take. You’ll know, just take a deep breath and listen to your heart! This is where the ol’ intuition will kick in! Listen! It knows the way!

HAPPY HAPPY: This card is showing up again for us!!! For some we are following our bliss and quickly finding out where happiness resides! Within! And by following your dreams! This is the key; it is in deciding to just BE HAPPY!!! We can do that by being our self, our TRUEST POSSIBLE SELF! Come-on, come out of that closet and be who you are and what you were meant to do here!  Add new splashes of color to your wardrobe, something simple and in-expensive! Oh! And don’t forget to play!!!

YANG: Yang is also making another appearance in our weekly readings! Yang is the masculine side of each of us. We each have both Masculine and Feminine energies; it creates a balance and sometimes when that balance is off, we lose sight of our path. Yang is bringing with it the power of Diligence, Determination and Self-Discipline. It is time to dig deep and get serious about our dreams! It is almost like the hands are popping out of the card like a magic trick, POOF! Here you go! A reminder, that we all have these qualities within us, that each of us is a star and at any given moment we can sprinkle that magic stardust where ever we need it most! Say, OK! I will stand up, dust myself off and set my priorities in order and your to-do list and get busy checking them off your list as you go!

YIN: The Yin is a strong but softer feminine energy of us all, a reminder to be gentle with ourselves, to speak of only love to ourselves and others. Compassion. Make sure you put yourself as number one on that priority list! There is always time for self-love and self-care. There is also a number 2 on this card, which stands for duality and balance. Keep your thoughts positive so that they bring your dreams that much closer to you, same as for your actions and words. If you do the opposite, well, you get the opposite results. Find time for you, balance and center yourself, keep your thoughts, words and actions on the positive.

BY THE BOOK: You have always done things by the book (as in conformity to social standards), maybe it is time to set that book down and try something new!! Who knows where it will lead! To be a leader and not a follower. Lead by example not by your opinion. You can cover more ground by being a leader or a leader of your own life. We also, have a lot of “1’s” in this reading today, so positivity should be near the top of our list of priorities and “to-do’s”! 

That is all for this week my loves!

Till we meet again!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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