Sunday, June 23, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading - June 24th - 29th 2019

Hello My Loves!!!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading with your hostess,

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

First, a little about my Oracle Readings! These weekly readings are designed to help all of humanity, to those who are seeking teachings and help with their own personal inner work. Soul work! For the curious and those wanting to learn more. These readings help in guide us and navigate the week to give us things we can work on to create a better self, life and environment for those around us. The cards I read are intuitively, as I AM guided by The Universe.

If you would like to follow me on Facebook, you are more than welcome! Pre-warning, I do not sensor my words, it is what it is and I am who I am! *wink* My page is a Drama Free Zone, my page is full of light, love, healing, fun and a bit of quirkiness mixed in! *grin*

On June 21st marked the day for Summer Solstice or Litha! And to celebrate, I decorated my seasonal alter!!

 Again, this week I AM working with Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and the wonderful artist Jena Dellagrottaglia.

Crystals for this week!!
Rose Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
I like to carry them with me during the week!

(please don’t feel like you have to go out and spend money to get crystals, I pretty much work with the crystals associated with the Chakras…. Those for me are: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Sodalite and Amethyst. As well as Clear Quartz.)

On to our reading…..
Weekly Oracle Reading - June 24th - 29th 2019

CLEAN IT UP: I felt the need to draw and extra card for the overall energy for this week! This could be a number of things. It could mean for some that it is time to dust off the cobwebs and start living life and the life of our dreams! That is what we are here for! One to take care of one another, to become our most authentic self possible and chase our dreams! Could mean literally cleaning things up, start small and start going through your belongings. Like a shelf. Are you partial to anything? Keep what you absolutely love and let go of the rest (the things that no longer serve a purpose or a purpose to your highest good), donate if you can, toss the rest. If you want new and better in your life, you need to create space for it. When you are ready work on another space in your home. You can also, work on this in your office space, studio or even your car! You will thank yourself at how lighter everything feels, including you! Figure out what it is in your life that you need to let go of. Is it toxic people? Past baggage? Belongings? Old thinking patterns? Old ways of doing things? Take a small step at a time, once you feel that things are lighter, the more inclined and confident you become in what you need to let go of next!
PEACE: What brings you peace? Do more of that! Take time for you! It is called, self-love and self-care. How can we be what others need if we are not nurturing and nourishing ourselves?! Take care of you! Find a few minutes a day to find your bliss, your peace. Even if it is just sitting and breathing. Coming back to self and the present time. Go for a little walk, nature is an excellent place to center and ground yourself. Meditate, there are so many ways! A new life for you, a new beginning is at hand and ready to break free from it’s bindings and it will allow you to fly in the direction of your dreams! New New New is coming! Endings and New Beginnings! Just surrender to it!
BUILDING BLOCKS: I believe we had this card for the last couple weeks if I am remembering correctly! This is about building a firm foundation for our dreams to be built upon! With the things previously mentioned with the “Clean It Up” and “Peace” cards, those are all building blocks. When we do our inner-work (becoming a better version of self) each block falls into place and when they do, something must fall away, don’t fret, whatever is falling away is meant to, for your highest good and that for awhile it served a purpose and now something new is beginning for you! Trust it!
IMAGINE: Take a few minutes each day, 5 at the least and no more than 15 minutes. Just sit and imagine… what does your dream look like? how does it feel? What do you hear? Who is there? Are they celebrating with you? Cheering you on? Dream big! Really big! Shoot/Reach for the moon, if anything you will land amongst the stars! Don’t worry about the outcome, that is the Universes job! You keep doing this everyday, keep up your inner spiritual workings, building your tribe, clearing out the old and to help it along, helping others moves things a bit faster! *wink* Just remember your limitations and set your boundaries so that your energy is not drained from you.
MILK AND HONEY: Love, love, love this card!!! Milk and honey! The good things in life! Blissfulness, joy! The joy of living your dreams! Everything is buzzing with excitement, love, light and laughter! Seeing rainbows are definitely a good sign that you are on track and encouraging you to keep going! I feel that, once you start seeing rainbows everywhere (in the sky, billboards, online, the store’s you shop in) you are in alignment. Notice the colors of the rainbow and how they match the colors of our Chakras!! It’s a beautiful thing! When you are on the right track you might be walking to your car or where ever and spot coins/money on the ground! This is no coincidence; coincidences are just a bunch of hooey (not even sure if that is a word lol) in my book! All things are meant to happen in divine timing. Back to the coins, this is a sign/message from your angels and or guides. Pay attention to your thoughts around the time these things occur. They may be reminding you to stay focused, keep your thoughts positive or just a “hello” and “your are doing a great job, keep it up!” You may also, see number sequences like, 11:11 or 1:11 (or other numbers in multiple) on your clock by chance when walking by them, again on billboards, license plates, emails…the list goes on! 1’s mean that you are awakening, awakening to a higher consciousness and becoming more in tune with your higher self, you are more connected with the Universe, guides, masters angels etc. Ahhhhhh! It’s a beautiful thing!

HAPPY HAPPY: We have also, seen this card a few times in recent readings! Another reminder that our happiness is our responsibilities and becoming our most authentic self possible and following our dreams are the keys!! Yay! Wooohoo! Woot Woot! Yippy!! That is why we are here, to just be happy, happy being ourselves, living our dreams! And it is all just a small decision away! Just decide!
Okay loves! That is all for this week!
See you next week!!!
Blessed Be
Rev. Nancy Baumiller

If you feel you would like a private reading, I work with both Tarot and Oracle Cards. Please feel free to email me at: and we can chat a bit. From there I can design a reading just for you! At that time I will give you choices and prices of different readings.  Thank you!  

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