Monday, May 20, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for May 20th - 26th

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to the Weekly Oracle Reading with me, your hostess

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

For those of you who did not know why the reading is a day late, is because my love and I went out of town for a day/night. It was cloudy, rainy, windy and stormy. There wasn't any chances of swimming in this gorgeous pool! We did have a lovely dinner in the dining room of the Lodge of the Four Seasons of the Ozarks (Missouri). It was still great to get a way for a night! 

(not our photo...googled it) 

On to our Weekly Oracle Reading

 (for this week)

Amethyst or Amazonite
and/or Tigers Eye
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz 
Rose Quartz 


I have chosen a few Tarot Cards to help with the reading. I know that sometimes for some people the Tarot Cards, some of the darker looking ones in particular, can feel a little scary. It really isn't. For instance, in this reading and seemingly many times, The Devil cards means temptation, it can be of the flesh or materialistic things, people and situations. 


SOUL MATES: In the picture on the card it depicts 2 adorable penguins, penguins find just the right mate and then they are mates for life. They endure the storms and the good times together. They hold the keys to each others hearts. It does not show that here on the card, but it is more of a feeling that I get. Not in all cases, is a Soul Mate someone that you marry but a very close friend can be your soul mate. You both resemble one another SO much. Like two halves of one soul and in most cases it is just that. I already feel this reading is a wordy and lengthy one, so grab a cuppa something good and get comfortable! *wink* ……….Even so, sometimes we rely too much on our soul mates, partners, that we forget who we are. It is very important, to keep your independence and still be a partner to someone. It is very easy to lose sight of ourselves and forget to step into our own power, move forward (while at the same time together with the partner) with your own doings, dreams and goals, and all the while knowing that you can weather anything or accomplish anything, with OR without them. Either way, you can still follow your dreams and when you do, some times things and people fall away that are no longer a part of what you need. Don't be afraid of that, move forward, what needs to stay will stay. Being independent no matter what, it will be what you need to keep stepping forward, all the while ascending. Hope that makes sense (?)


GO THE DISTANCE: See here! Be willing to go the distance no matter what leaves, or is left behind of our current life. We are meant to reach our dreams and goal, but not at the sacrifice of our self-worth or become stagnant and watch life pass you by. Love and friendship is awesome, don't get me wrong here....but there is a time and a place for you to spend time with them, but not all of it, you have a job to do, that job is to be independent, follow your dreams and be your own person. The best possible version of yourself possible. Authenticity. Don't forget to take care of YOU in all the hustle and bustle. Go the distance, but also know when you need to step into your own power, and learn to pour from your own cup. This continues on in the Tarot Card (The Star)……

THE STAR: (continued) Sometimes being in any type of relationship, we tend to forget ourselves and who we are. We forget to take care of ourselves. Yes, that self-love and self-care. Even if it is just taking a nice bath and soaking for a bit. Or simply stepping aside to just breathe and be present and aware. Ask yourself, if those around you are they helping you or depleting your energy?


POISED: When you take care of you and take back your independence, you can still find a certain freedom within! You feel different, ready to take on tasks, new tasks, ready to tackle the tasks that lead to your dreams and goals! You will feel SO ready! Go ahead, take a moment and think about what you can do to step back into your own should almost instantly know what those things are and what you need to do. Maybe you already know and are procrastinating, we all do that time to time, but aren't you ready to live your dreams and reach higher goals?! Take a small step, even if that step is just understanding what tasks you need to tackle. Make a list! Then start small and work your way through the list. Things will start to make more sense then and things will begin to shift in a good way! 


EXCHANGING GIFTS: Sometimes, we give so much of ourselves and our energy to the wrong people, places and things and get left feeling depleted. Make sure to take the time to see if (whatever it is) is taking advantage of it or we should see if this is really worth putting our time and energy into it. Does it/them reciprocate in any form? Or is it all take, take, take? Know when the temptation (The Devil Card) is really worth it. Is this what I really want or want to do? How will this affect my life in the future? Know the difference between temptation and what we truly need. Love is a 2-way street my friend! Or maybe for some, that we sometimes take, take, take, and don't give back.


ALL THAT GLITTERS: This card has made another appearance in our weekly reading this week, as it has in recent past weeks! The Universe will knock, knock, knock, until we understand the task we are meant to do. Don't wait until the knock becomes so loud that it comes in the form of something you really don't want! Let me tell you, you don't want that. I learned that the hard way! The message comes through as a thought, an instant thought, and it will repeat itself, louder each time, till (for me it was my back going out.) you have no choice but to listen! If you should receive a repetitive thought, take note and listen, then follow through. Sometimes it's a thought like, "I need to drink more water", "I should really rest" "I should lose weight" "I should exercise more" etc etc!!! Take my advice and listen to your own thoughts! *wink*

As for this card, for some, it could also mean that people around you are wearing a mask and to take notice. It might even be yourself perhaps. Not everything is as it seems. We wear masks all the time! Maybe for people to like us, or we lie about who we are, not being our authentic selves. And just why would you want to be liked by someone who obviously wants nothing to do with you?! Take off the mask and just be yourself my darling! Ahh! That's so much better! *smiles*  Others wear masks, and pretend to be something they are not, to lure you to them. Everyone gets hurt in those situations. Be aware of those masks, you don't want to end up in a loveless relationship, thinking you are being loved, but rather they just want to take you down with them because they are lonely. Don't settle darling, don't settle. You have worth! 


Follow your dreams, my loves!

Till we meet again!

Love light and peace!!!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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