Sunday, May 12, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for May 13th 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to your Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with May 13th, 2019 with your hostess, yours truly...

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

For those who don't know me, I AM an Intuitive Psychic, Healer, Tarot & Oracle Reader, Spiritual Coach, Self-Taught Artist and Graphic Designer as well as a Reverend! I AM an Intuitive with everything I do! When I read cards, I am not giving you the descriptions/meanings from the book included with the decks. I trust my guides, the Universe and my intuition to read, help and heal for others.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Momma's out there! I think we all are nurturers in some way to others and even our four legged fur babies! 

With still using Wisdom of the Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Art by Jena DellaGrottaglia. 


(you may pick what works for you or choose totally different ones you wish)

CLEAR QUARTZ - Clear thinking, clear understanding.
TIGERS EYE - Encourages Passion for Life, Willpower, Strength, Self-Esteem, Grounding.
AMETHYST: Calming & Balance.
RED JASPER: Positive Movement.

Now, on to our reading!


ALL THAT GLITTERS: Sometimes we all wear masks, people around us wear masks and sometimes we don't see them, they can be bright red and slapping us in the face and still not take notice because we choose to cast a blind eye. Others you know, may wear a mask, pretending to be one thing and have us completely fooled. It's possible that when they were this mask, all we can see is glitter and gold. Fools gold if you will. Take notice, don't push aside those red flags the next time they appear, see others for what and who they truly are. Are they holding you back? Dampening your light? Maybe it is time to let them go, so you can truly live your divine life. We also, tend to wear a mask and pretend to be something we are not. Put that mask down. You want to move closer to your dreams? Then do just that, put the mask down and be who you are! Your truest authentic self possible! You will be glad you did! 


WHY? - Good Question! Why do these things keep happening to me?! To good people?! A lot of the time is that...…….we allow it! What we allow continues to enter our lives until we put our foot down and draw the line. Set boundaries with others and they should know your limitations, so that you are not bogged down with all of their stuff. You cannot pour from an empty cup dear heart. Setting boundaries and letting others know your limitations is not being mean. It is a sign of self-care! That you value yourself and your energy. Another reason we are asking the "WHY" question is some of us feel we need to know all the answers right now, not true. In some cases maybe. But when it comes to the "UNKNOWN", you do not need all the answers, all you need to know is what your goals are, do something anything, no matter how small, to start and then just simply TRUST the process and let go of the attachment to the outcome. 


REGENERATION: For many of us, we have been working very hard, very diligently to heal ourselves, either from the past, possibly present circumstances and results are starting to show. It is hard work, repairing ourselves, bettering ourselves. Healing by taking care of numero uno! Self. Self-care and self-love. By resting, when we need it, even for a few moments, grounding/finding balance/re-centering ourselves, so that we can be what we need to be for self and others. Eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water and less caffeinated or alcoholic beverages. It may be emotional healing as well that we need. Talk to loved ones, trusted sources, if you need advice and a different perspective. Sometimes that is all we need, it may give you the spark of energy to know exactly what you need to do right now (there is the 'answer' you have been looking for to your WHY? questions). We can't rely on doctors to do all the work for us, we have to put in our share of the work and be diligent about it and determined to heal, move forward to better. But by all means if you are not feeling so great lately, a doctor visit would be a good place to start. 


TREASURE ISLAND: This card is popping up again! Think of this treasure box as your dream and look! It's headed your way!!! Yay! I know! It's wonderful! It is the very thing you have been dreaming about for some time now! And it is ready for you!! It is within reach! Do the work mentioned above and then watch the gifts of abundance pour in!! Do the work, then trust it! Open your arms and heart to it! Make room for it! New beginnings are here for us all! Just have to do the necessary work, keep your eyes peeled for it's reveal, it will start coming in slowly, like a trickle! Take notice at that time, give gratitude and be excited for what comes next! Trust it! 


MILK AND HONEY: Another repeated card from previous readings! Everything has a pattern, a purpose, it's own energy and divine timing! And this my friends, is gifts of abundance that are ready to come available to us! This is how we should be acting! Like this tiny elephant frolicking in big ways, already enjoying all the rainbows, all the milk and honey! How sweet it is!!! This is how it happens, act as if and then trust it and watch it unfold before your eyes!!! Get busy practicing your, Woohoo's, Yippy! Yahoo!! Ya, baby! That's what I'm talking about!!!


One last thing! We have our next Full 'Flower' Moon arriving later in the week on May 18th 2019!
 With the Full Moon, it means it is time to let go of what is no longer needed in your life, whether it be material clutter, toxic people, mind clutter etc! If you can't make sense of it in your mind, write it down! Make a list! Review and edit it if needed through the week and on the night of the Full Moon, tell the Moon Goddess these are the very things you are ready to let go of! Take it outside in the light of the moon, crumple that list and say,

"Dear Moon Goddess, I have a list of things and people I need to let go of and I let go with love and gratitude."

You can also, ask Archangel Michael to step in for help cutting cords to these things.

"Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you to help me cut the cords to these things and people that no longer serve a purpose in my life."

Then imagine him cutting the cords with his mighty sword, above and below you, front and back and beside you. Then thank him for assisting you with this process.

Then burn the list in a safe container. Once the ashes are cool, give it back to Mother Earth. She will repurpose these things and the Universe will send back something much better. Believe it! 

That is all for this week my loves! Get busy! Wishing you much love, light and many blessings!

Till we meet again! 


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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