Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for Sept 9th - 15th 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with Sept. 9 – 15th, 2019 with your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

Hello hello and welcome back to this weeks reading! So happy to see you here! It is a rainy and much cooler day here in our little part of Illinois today! Woke up thinking it was way earlier than I thought it to be, being as dark as it was at 8AM. Got to sleep in at least! *wink* As I lay in bed, I can see lightning through the windows! Love when it rains, it gives one the inspiration to make soup, soul food!
I am also excited to share with you some good news! I took a leap of faith in the direction of my dreams and am now going to be reading cards at an upcoming local Psychic Fair! *Happy Dance*

Let’s see what we have on our plate for this week!

First off, this coming Friday is the 13th! I love Friday the 13th days! I feel the opposite of what most think the day means! To me, they have brought me joy and good things! Then, as we move into Saturday, Sept. 14th 2019 we will have our Full ‘Corn’ or ‘Harvest Moon’ in Pisces and later in the afternoon it moves into Aries.
This moon will have many people filled with confidence and may cause some animosity between others, ending with resentment and competition. There is nothing wrong with confidence or going after your goals and reaching achievements keep at it but the trick to it is to lay low while you do what you need to do, so that others jealousy does not dim your light. This week is all about shining your light, and not allowing others to play with the dimmer switch. So, stay grounded and balanced.

With the Full Moon, it is the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you! So, let go of any clutter, mind clutter or otherwise. Toxic people. It is TIME to let go and move forward in the direction of your dreams!

Crystals for this week!

Aquamarine or Green Fluorite






Green Aventurine
In this weeks reading, I AM working with Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

FOX SPIRIT (Think on your feet): Ahhhh! We meet, yet again!!! I want you to know that I cleared this deck and shuffled like nobody’s business and yet a couple repeat cards from previous weeks popped up! Spirit is trying to tell us something and that is get busy doing the necessary work, you will get further if you working, in motion, the answers come much faster than just sitting and thinking about it. 

Fox Spiritual Meaning: “Symbolic meaning of a fox. Fox as a spiritual animal teaches you how to get around obstacles and how to figure out a way out of any tricky situation. Foxes often get into people’s houses and get out without being noticed, which makes them interesting to people and their cleverness is never ending.”

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT (Take time out): When you feel you have reached a point that you cannot go any further at this time, not enough information or you have done all the work necessary that you can, or get worn out trying, THEN it is time to step aside and rest, rejuvenate, replenish that energy. But don’t stay there long.

Brown Bear Spiritual Meaning: “In the kingdom of spirit animals, the bear is emblematic of grounding forces and strength. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing.”

LIZARD SPIRIT (Dream the world into being): YES!!! You can do this while in motion, you can take care of tasks by breaking them down into more manageable sizes. This is your time! This is your dream! Keep at the tasks but don’t share to much information with others. Keep it under wraps for now, while you finish taking care of tasks and building your future world into reality.

Lizard Spiritual Meaning: “The Lizard is to be set free of the limitations of the past, and to be born into a higher awareness of self and abilities. The Dragon also offers great insight into the new realms of power. The magic of lizard symbolism is extrasensory perception and clairvoyance.” Work your magic, listen to your intuition.

KOALA SPIRIT (Spirit has a plan): Indeed! Can you feel the nudges?! It is like a repeated message, a repeated thought, almost nagging you to get that “thing” done or at least get started. When you work your own magic, Spirit/Source (how ever it is for you) steps in and reveals what you need at the right moment. Divine Timing! Don’t work yourself silly, rest when you need. Work when you can.

Koala Spiritual Meaning: “Koala Meaning revolves around sanctuary and mystical self discovery ... Koala appears for you inviting you on a spiritual sojourn to a retreat hidden in the forest, where you will renew your spirit and get in touch with the inner mystic.”

PEACOCK SPIRIT (Let it shine!) This is this week’s theme, as it should always be, but this is the perfect time to step into your own light, your own sovereignty. Shine!!! I know it sounds like I am repeating myself, but these messages come from Spirit through me and they are adamant about you doing the work, you know you need to do! Even if you are not sure, do something, anything. Get out there! Shine your light! Shine from within! Be your truest authentic self possible!

Peacock Spiritual Meaning: “In Asian spirituality, the Peacock has the meanings of love, good intentions, emotional growth and kindness. According to legend, Kwan-Yin who was the bearer of Peacock symbolism in Asian folklore chose to stay mortal, even though she had the choice to gain immortality, just to help humanity in their spiritual struggles.” The All-Seeing, to show our true colors.

Short and sweet, and to the point!

Be seeing you next week!

Blessed Be,


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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