Sunday, September 22, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for Sept. 23rd to Sept. 29th 2019

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for Sept. 23rd to Sept. 29th 2019 with your hostess

Rev. Nancy Baumiller
As of Monday, Sept. 23rd 2019 our Autumnal Equinox begins or Mabon for some of us. *wink*

This is my favorite season of the year, where I feel most in tune and in touch with the Universe.

I will be celebrating by decorating my Alter a bit more for Mabon! (You can see in the photo below of what I have done with is so far!) I will also celebrate by creating and writing a ‘Gratitude Journal.” A time of thanks and also a time to release what no longer serves you. I may even make Squash Soup for dinner! Who knows for sure. *wink*

How will you celebrate?

Crystals for this week!

(please choose what you are drawn too)

Lapis Lazuli


Tigers Eye




Clear Quartz

Rose Quartz

For this reading, I AM working with Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

PANTHER SPIRIT (Reclaim your power):  The Panther is strong, stealthy and goes after what it wants. The Panther can be soft when they need to be, this can show us that we can still carry a gentle heart but know our limitations and boundaries especially when it comes to others that are around us. They know when and what to protect when it is called for. Now is the time to be like the Panther, to step into your power, focus on what you want, go after it in stealth mode, no one needs to know what you are up to. This is your dream! For some, it may mean to step back into your power, especially around others energies that don’t match yours or they seem to be there to drain your energy. Take your crystals with you and carry them throughout your day to keep the energy draining vampires at bay. The card number 44 carries the energies of the #8 as well as #4. 8’s are to remind us that we are infinite beings of light. 4’s carry the energy of, “all is well” “on the right track/path” “all is working out for the better good.”

Panther Spiritual Meaning: “Panther spirit symbolizes settling into your own self, being comfortable with yourself bringing forth great personal power. Panther is a power animal and allows us to recognize our own personal sense of purpose in life, and develop a strong spiritual understanding of why you are here.”

BOBCAT SPIRIT (Life is a mystery): The Universe has a way with showing us exactly what we need to do, what we need to let go of and shows us signs and synchronicities to let us know when better is on it’s way! We just have to look within, make necessary changes and adjust our energy to match the energy of our dreams. The Bobcat can blend into his surroundings while they do what they need to do while unseen. They are sly that way, but in this case, it is a good thing. You don’t have to explain/share your thoughts/idea about your dreams to anyone. It is okay to be selfish this way, while you work your magic. You can also use this stealth mode to protect you while you are doing your inner works, healing, growing. This card also carries the energies of the #8 and #4.

Bobcat Spiritual Meaning: “The bobcat animal is a symbol of patience. Rightly identified and ready for communication the bobcat aids in spiritual maturity. The bobcat totem will help emotional growth, intellectual development, and much needed flexibility will enter the lives of those who are wise enough to keep it as their totem.” 

WASP SPIRIT (Sometimes life stings): It does indeed, but for reason and purpose. To not only get our attention at what we should be focusing on or possibly something that needs letting go of. Can also mean that the Universe, sometimes steps in and removes things from our life. Simply because their purpose has ended and/or needed elsewhere and at a time that new is entering our life. The Universe will clear the path so that we can live our truest potential. The lesson in this is to teach us it is okay to hurt, cry out but also to know when it is time to dust yourself off and begin again. To not stay in the past, because the now and future needs you to do your part. The card carries the energies of 6’s, 4’s, 1’s and the number 10 and zero. 6’s stand for seeing, clarity, seeing the bigger picture, intuition, inner knowing, guides and guidance. 0’s stand for Godforce.

Wasp Spiritual Meaning: “The wasp meaning prompts you to take a good look at your life and ask yourself whether you are involved in pursuits that are worthwhile. Are you fighting the good fight?

It’s a wake-up call to do what’s best for you and to focus on what will bring you closer to spiritual enlightenment. Life is too short to be spent on pursuits that are not worth your time!” 

DOG SPIRIT (Be loyal to what you love): Dogs are gentle kind spirits, if they are treated right. If they act badly or want to harm you, then know that they were treated poorly in the past. They are not “bad dogs.” They are loyal to the right people and other animals and is asking the same of us. To not only be loyal to others, but to also be loyal to ourselves, our dreams, to take better care of ourselves. If we are not being loyal or taking care of ourselves, we surely cannot be expected to be of help to others. Work when you need to work, rest when you need, but don’t stay there. Be loyal to you and your dreams, be compassionate to yourself as well dear heart! 

Dog Spiritual Meaning: “Loyalty compassion and companionship are what dog stands for, even if it means death to the self. This strong sense of loyalty plays both in dogs favor and against him. Being loyal to someone who deserves your loyalty is totally different to someone who has gained your loyalty through mistrust and manipulation of love.

TURTLE SPIRIT {Slow and Steady wins the race): Take your time dear heart, listen and be guided in the direction of your dreams. It is not a race. Everything falls into place in divine timing. Although, at times life may turn upside down and be a little difficult to get back on your feet again. But somehow you always manage to do it. Remember this the next time life gets a little messy and topsy-turvy. At times things will be seeming to go so very slow, while other times, time goes quickly. Just know there is a reason for it as is everything. Go with the natural flow of things, slowly, steady as you go, but surely you will arrive right where you need to be at exactly the right time. The card number also carries the energy of #6, #2 and #8. #2 stand for duality, lifepath, peace, harmony and compassion.

Turtle Spiritual Meaning: “Turtle animal spirit is a symbol of all living things, living together in peace and harmony. Turtle provides a comfortable relaxed state in which to work toward a future goal. Steady solid growth and prosperity are all attributes of the turtle.”

Wishing you many blessings this week! 

Happy Mabon and Blessed Be,


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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