Sunday, September 15, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for Sept. 16th - 22nd 2019

Hello My Loves!!!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with Sept. 16th -22nd 2019 with your Hostess and Psychic Intuitive.....

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

 Autumn, this is my favorite time of year, the colors, the smells, the feeling etc., and now we are now reaching the end of our Summer and entering our Autumn Equinox or Mabon for some of us on Sept. 23rd 2019…it is this time we harvest crops, as well as harvest what we have personally been working on in building our dreams! Everything is ripe and ready! It is a time to stay on your path and focus on it, this is a time to know it is okay to be a little selfish with self-love, self-care and focused on your dreams, let nothing lead you astray from it, no detours! This is your time! Your time to shine! Keep yourself grounded, focused and eye on the prize! The gateway is closing, choose now, where you want to be, focus on it and stay with it!

Crystals for the week!

(please choose what you feel drawn to)

Desert Rose Quartz

Clear Quartz

Rose Quartz

Lapis Lazuli




Light Green Jade

This week I AM working with the Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

(photo a bit on the blurry side) Whoops! *wink*

Seeing a lot of 5’s and 3’s in this reading!

WOMBAT SPIRIT (Be at home) (68=14)(1+4=5) The energy I am feeling on this card is to be at home with being YOU! Your truest authentic self possible! This is really important right now, as is at all times, but more so right now, because we are entering a new phase in our lives and it requires us to be at the top of our game, being who you truly are, shining from within, wearing your weirdness like nobody’s business!! Your weirdness is your true self! It is what makes you, well, YOU! YOU are Unique and this Earth needs your unique light and style! We are all connected like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each one different from the other pieces, but we all work together creating a bigger picture!

WOMBAT SPIRITUAL MEANING: “Being underestimated, or undervalued by society. Intelligence. Quickness of thought. Play. Rightful aggression. Correcting misunderstanding. Stability. The foundation of your situation. Understanding multiple levels of any situation. Structure. Creating your world. Grounded. Inner trust.”

BAT SPIRIT (A rebirth is assured) (5) Indeed it is! With all the building you have done, to create a foundation for your dreams to launch of us, inner works and so much more, a rebirth is inevitable! Embrace it! You are transforming into who you were meant to be and to do the work you were put here to do! For some, you are now in 5D thinking and phasing out 3D. It is important to not fall back into old ways of thinking, doing and old patterns/habits. This is a time of moving forward. To let go of fear and do it anyways, you will be so glad you did! I mean, who wants to be stuck in a 3D pattern, running in circles anyways?! Not me! You have lain in dormant for far too long!

Also, as I look at this cute little bat, and how they hang upside down, I get the impression is for us to look at things with a different perspective. See things in a new light, from different angles.

BAT SPIRITUAL MEANING: Bats are a message of change. “The bat symbolism, in this case, is almost always putting you on notice of a significant change in your life. Explicitly, you are being asked to pay attention to the signs that are surrounding you. In this case, these clues could be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Bat symbolism signifies the death of some part of you that no longer serves your higher calling. Therefore, follow through on new ideas, hunches and even emotions that are unfamiliar to you. In essence, this change may be somewhat painful if you forestall it. However, be aware that if you embrace it, the universe will make every attempt to make these changes as easy as possible for you.

Occasionally the bat meaning can be that this animal is reminding you to continue to pursue your spiritual growth by letting go of your ego. You can do this by renewing your thoughts and beliefs on a regular basis, doing inner work, loving your enemies unconditionally, and nurturing personal growth in all its forms. Furthermore, your bat meaning is reminding you that if you remain in the present, all things will become clear.

Sometimes bat symbolism can mean that you are allowing your fears to overwhelm you. The creature is reminding you that you have nothing to fear, but “fear” itself.”

GRASSHOPPER SPIRIT (Take a leap of faith) (30) (3) Hop to it! Just look at that crown! You are the ruler of your own world! YOU are the only one who can make what you want to happen, happen! You are the magician! You co-create the magic! Take a leap of faith in the direction of your dreams!

GRASSHOPPER SPIRITUAL MEANING: “Grasshopper Spiritual Meaning. The sound healing vibration the grasshopper emits moves the very soul to connect spiritually with the earth itself. The sound vibrations meditated upon will open all seven chakras activating spiritual healing. The sound itself eases the mind relaxes the body and soothes lonely straying thoughts.

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT (Take time out) (3) (3x3) (3 amplified) 9 is the number of endings and new beginnings are not far behind it! 333 is the numerical angel message that Ascended Masters are near, MIND BODY SPIRIT, Holy trinity. The masters are here to assist you. 333 is a sign to get busy, get in touch with your creative side and spontaneity. Creativity can mean many things to different people. In this case, it means to create your dreams. Accept your inner truths and stride forward towards your purpose! You have a whole team supporting you, just ask for their assistance and they will jump to action! Granted you do your part of the work! We have seen this Brown Bear Spirit Card in many of the last few weeks reading! This is a sign! This is a sign to take time out of your busy schedule to either relax, regroup etc., but not for long, just small increments here and there. Honor when you are tired. But do keep with your dream work and know when it is time to relax and enjoy. You are strong, you totally got this!

BROWN BEAR SPIRITUAL MEANING: “In the kingdom of spirit animals, the bear is emblematic of grounding forces and strength. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing.”

CHAMELEON SPIRIT (Act as if) (14) (1+4=5) Act as if….we have all heard that before, but what does it mean?! It means, to act as if your dreams have already come to fruition. Use your senses to do this. Take that 5 to 15 minutes of that relax time and close your eyes, what does your dream look like, as if it was already here for you? See yourself celebrating with friends and loved ones!  What do you feel? Do you smell anything? What do you hear?

Be like the Chameleon right now, you can transform into anything you want! You can transform your world at any given time! Maybe adding a new color to what you wear! You can change the colors of your dreams at any time, you can transform yourself into a more authentic YOU! Know your dreams, work on them silently, keep it a secret while you do your work and laying the foundation, so that you can do your work without interruption. This is YOUR dream, YES, it is okay to be a little selfish when it comes to that. But do make time for others in your life! You can do both! You are ever-changing, move with the flow.

CHAMELEON SPIRITUAL MEANING: “Chameleon spirit animal symbolizes shape shifting, which means you can sometimes be shady and keep a lot of things to yourself. Some might call you shady but this can be a very handy characteristic especially if you want to be one step ahead of others.”

Hope you enjoyed this weeks reading! Wishing you a wonderful week full of surprises! Do the work and pay attention, be on the look out for signs, synchronicities, clues! Use your senses!

See you next week!

Blessed Be,


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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