Hello My Loves!
Been away for a few
weeks, not ignoring anyone, just forgot to mention my being away for a time.
With age comes forgetfulness! *wink* haha
I missed all of you
and miss doing my readings with you! I will include with this Weekly Oracle
Reading for the week beginning with March 16th – March 22nd
2020 the Monthly Energy Forecast, sorry so late but it is what it is.
Cleanse self and home! Sage it all!
We have our New Moon
coming up early next week on Tuesday March 22nd 2020! Time to set
your intentions and cleanse/sage self and all around you, so that you only
attract what you want in your life rather than things that don’t match the
energy of your dreams. Let go of worry and stress, it only attracts more of the
same. So does happiness and joy! So, spend your time doing things you love and
brings you joy! I know I will spend my time doing art and readings! Spending
time at home with my loved ones, listening to music, cooking good healthy food
and drinking plenty of water!
Energy Forecast will be
at the end of this reading below!
For this weeks,
Weekly Oracle Reading, I AM working again with Oracle of Mystical Moments by Katrin
Welz-Stein. She is also the artist/illustrator for this deck! Lovely work dear
Our Crystals for the
(please choose what
calls to you or all if you want)
Rose Quartz
Clear Quartz
Amethyst and/or
Red Jasper OR Tigers
LIBERTY (2): Leave
all your worries behind you, let go of the past. Let peace be at the forefront
of your thoughts instead. Set what doesn’t support your highest good, free.
This in turn will open up opportunity for good to reflect back to you. What you
cling to will follow you everywhere you go, let that be good intentions,
compassion, love, light and all things that bring you joy. In doing so, you
plant a seed, a seed that will grow, when others take notice of the light you
bring to them and they will be inspired to do the same. Spread light, love and
compassion instead of panic and worry. We are talking about duality here my
loves, what you think, say or do reflect back more of the same to your life.
Which will it be for you? 2’s- Duality, Yin/Yang, Good/Bad. To everything there
is an opposite and it is up to us to find the balance in it all.
CASTLE (39): Taking care of your home has been one of your priorities, but
it also means to take care of others, and right now self. What can you do to
help others if you are not at the top of your game? Check in with yourself from
time to time and ask yourself…Are my thoughts, my words and my actions
positive? Do they support my highest good and those I love? Maybe it is time to
take a step backwards and review all of this. Listen to your body. Listen to it’s
needs. Your body is your castle, your home, home for your soul and spirit to
reside. Are you giving it what it needs, craves and desires? Sit and listen to
your body, what is it telling you? Then respond to it’s needs. 3’s – Trinity – Mind/Body/Spirit,
Ascended Masters are near to help assist you with your needs. 9’s are Endings/Beginnings.
So, things must end for new to enter and begin. Let go of what isn’t supportive
and welcome new and better in. 3’s also make up 9. 3x3, so the 3’s are
amplified. It means for you to take notice of it’s importance. 39 is a call
from your angels to get busy taking care of self. To bring light into your
world so that you can be a good example to others to initiate self-love and
self-care in their own lives. Archangels are also nearby to help assist you in cutting
cords to the past and to finally let go once and for all.
MOONDANCE (4): Spirit
is calling to us to find balance, it has been mentioned in previous cards
today. When things are amplified, they are urgent and important. They should be
at the top of your list of priorities. With the New Moon approaching, we should
be focused on balance, our intentions, restoring our energies in mind body spirit,
thoughts, actions and words. 4’s – Know that all is good dear heart, when you
focus on the positive. You are on the right path dear one, all you have to do
is match the frequency of what you do want. Angels are nearby to help keep you
calm, and guide you stay on the right path. Remember, where you put your thoughts,
words and actions, energy flows and reflects them. Choose good ones!
(35): Have you strayed away, far away? How long has it been since you have
truly been yourself? Dear one, it is time to come back to self, come home! Your
home is your castle. You should be residing there in it! Not off in the clouds
or some distant fog deep in negativity. Your guardian angels are near to assist
and lend a hand to help you come back to yourself. You can easily turn things
around for yourself by changing you think. Spirit is saying, “SNAP OUT OF IT!”
“Come back!” Come back down to earth and self, and put your focus where it
should be. You don’t have to stay where you are, you are not stuck, ever! All
it takes is a different perspective or someone to shine a light your way. 3’s –
Again on the Mind Body Spirit! The Ascended Masters and Archangels and your own
personal angels and guides are here to assist! Just ask them in the areas you
need! Set intentions with them if you must, like; “Dear Masters and Archangels,
please help me come back to self” OR “Dear Masters and Archangels, please help
me (insert your choosing in areas of your needs) lose weight/become healthier.”
They are ready to jump into action, all for the small price of asking! But you
have to do half the work! Can’t expect them to do it all. *wink* 5’s – Changes. Make necessary changes.
Well-being, general health. Time to make a fresh start. 35 – 35 is also equal
to the number 8, which carries the frequency of balance. Also, to strengthen
relationships with others, the Universe and self. The Universe is listening to
your prayers and they are responding where needed. All that spirt asks is that
you work together with them. Also to raise your vibrations.
I love this reading! It shows us how the Universe responds to us and wants
so much for us to be well, prosperous and happy! We are surrounded by love and
light right now! *happy dance* Can you feel it! Tap into it! I always get happy
chills! Weaving flowers means, to focus on positive things, to focus on things
that bring us joy. To be grounded and balanced. One with the Universe! Connected!
We all share energy, where we put our focus, energy flows. I know it sounds
like I am repeating myself, I AM! The Universe speaks through me, not from just
me, but being connected to the Universe, you can hear volumes if you choose to
match energies! You can do it to! By doing all the things mentioned. You will
remember who you are, you feel better, you understand more, understand more of
why you are here and know what you’re here to do to help. We share energy and
our own energy should be positive, because it is contagious, in a good way of
course. But if it is not of light and love, is this what you want to share with
others? Unintentionally we do. If we feel worried, scared, panicky etc., we
pass it on to others. Something to think about. 3’s – As mentioned before,
Trinity, Mind/Body/Spirit, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Creativity. Being
creative does not all fall on creating art, be creative in thinking, choose to
create good thoughts and positive vibes. Create joy! Create a more calm,
organized and positive YOU!
March 2020 Energy
Forecast! Better late than never!!
It is time to stop fighting
with others or fighting whatever it is OR even fighting yourself. There are no
winners in arguments with harsh words. Fighting does not solve anything. Put
all the sharp words and objects down. Problem solving comes from calmness, a
clear mind and a loving heart. Find your balance, ground yourself and calm
yourself so that you can think rationally. Speak from a place of love. Positive
actions and words bring about positive energy and positive results. Hate, anger,
war, arguments and drama do not solve anything. It only creates more of the
same. As does panic. Letting go of fear and find compassion is at the utmost
importance right now. As is taking care of self. Whatever it is you are arguing
about………find the truths, the real issue. But do so from a place of peace, calmness
and love, then put it all behind you. Let it all go. Fix it if you can, or move
on. Sometimes, if it cannot be fixed it is best to call defeat, let it be what
it is, let it go with love and move forward.
That is all for this week
and for the monthly forecast! I wish you all love, light, peace and blessings!
If you would like to
receive daily doses of the energy for the day, I do a Daily Draw of one Tarot
card per day (at least I try to do every day, life happens) you can follow me
on Facebook – Nancy Baumiller or find me on Instagram under Crowaboutstudiob !!
Rev. Nancy Baumiller
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