Sunday, December 29, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week beginning with December 30th – January 5th 2020

Hello My Loves!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week beginning with December 30th – January 5th 2020 with your hostess….

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! The New Year of 2020 is in just a few days!! Can you believe it?! The year went by so quickly! But in all honesty, I AM ready for a new start, a new beginning, start fresh! The holidays can wear a person down to their very core and right now it is so very important for self-love and self-care. Last night I felt the need for a salt bath, to let the water wash over you and cleanse anything toxic away. As I let the water out, I let go of anything that does not serve me or my highest good, I let it go down the drain so that it can be transmuted and transformed and come back as something needed.

With being away from the Weekly Readings, I sort of just missed the whole New Moon, but yet I automatically started letting go of things. I guess my intuition is growing along with my spirituality. I have been out of sorts not doing the weekly readings, and all the holiday hub bub, and meeting a whole crew of new people! Not complaining mind you! Not in any means! It is just important to recognize when you are tired and need some space to recharge.


Rhodonite or Rose Quartz

Clear Quartz


Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli


For this Weekly Oracle Reading, I AM working with Oracle of Mystical Moments by Katrin Welz-Stein, art & illustration by her as well!

QUEEN BEE (11): To bee or not to bee is the question, the answer is simple, to just be! Refuel, Recharge so you can be that busy bee again and get things done! But in order to do that, rest is in order. You can’t be in two places at one time. You cannot be what you need to be for you and others if you do not take time to rest. To breathe, realign and balance yourself so that you may focus on what is important and with the New Year at hand, new beginnings are going to be happening left and right for so many of us! Many awakenings will be occurring this year in 2020, just look at the number of this card “11”! Eleven is an awakening code, it also means New Beginnings, positivity! To focus on what is important. Dreams are about to come true for many! Believe it, trust it! If you don’t see things coming true for you, do not fret, it just means it is not the right time, or the Universe needs for you to do more inner workings. Be patient. All good things happen in divine timing.

MORNING DEW GIRL (13): More compassion, not just for others, you have given so much that you may feel depleted of energy. It is wonderful to have and show compassion for others, but also know when it is time to give some of that compassion to yourself.  Maybe you said some things out of frustration while feeling depleted of energy, don’t beat yourself up about it, brush yourself off, forgive yourself! This is also, important, not just now but at any given time when you are too hard on yourself. Forgive self. The number of the card is 13. We spoke about 1’s above under the Queen Bee card. 3’s go very well with this card, as they hold the vibrations of the trinity of Body, Mind & Spirit. Compassion as well. To care for self and these things, to listen to your body and what it needs. Is it quiet? Is there anything I need to let go of? Do I need more water? Or change the way I eat? Have I forgotten to practice in my spirituality so that I may grow?

HOUSE OF FLOWERS (36): The Universe is very adamant about self-love and self-care, so I cannot express it enough, but we must follow it and care for it. Our body is our home, we must nurture it for it to grow in body mind and spirit! If things go untended for to long, they get stagnant and in major repair. As so goes with our houses in which we live, others whom we love & cherish. The Universe has a way of getting our attention and what we should be doing, it speaks to us with a gentle reminder, and if we choose to ignore the signs, the reminders become louder and louder that we can no longer ignore them. It shows up as illnesses, things just going wrong or breaking/breaking down. Etc. Nurture you, nurture what is around you, create a peaceful balance in all areas of your life so that it can blossom and grow!

3’s we mentioned above under Morning Dew Girl. 6’s are again about compassion, responsibility, family. It can mean a shift, especially in your home or living arrangement. It could possibly mean a move, a new home.

KEYS ON TREES (48) The signs are everywhere, are you paying attention? If not, maybe you are caged up in your own thoughts and dealings that you cannot see what is in front of you! You hold the key to free yourself from the cage you build around you! You are making mountains out of molehills! Slow down and take a look around. Instead of allowing those that love you in, you have worked very hard to put up a wall around you. It is time to free yourself from this prison cell and break free from the restraints you built.

4’s It is time to be practical, your guardian angels are near by working on your behalf. To help you see the light and help you take notice of the signs around you and they want you to get back on your path. 8’s are a reminder that we are infinite beings, limitless. We attract what we what we say, our actions and thoughts. Pay attention to what you are manifesting. Is it for my highest good? To find balance. Yin & Yang. Sometimes one outweighs the other and we need to refocus and find balance, and this is where we need to self-discipline ourselves.

NEW DIRECTIONS (45): No surprises here my loves! A new year and new beginnings! To focus rather on going with the flow, especially if you have already put out your dream wishes! Let go of what does not serve you so that you can catch the breeze and ride the wind to your new destination! Don’t try to hold onto anything, somethings are just temporary and knowing the right time to let go so that you can move on to bigger and better things! Allow things that are not meant for you anymore to fall away. You know deep down that it is not yours and you want better for yourself and those you love. 4’s were mentioned under the previous card “Keys on Trees.”  5’s are change(s) New is arriving, changes are about. Go with the flow, don’t fight it.

 JANUARY 2020 Monthly Energy Forecast:
For the time being, before the New Year arrives, it is a time to be still, not idle. We can still get things done without wearing ourselves out completely. To do things with purpose & good intentions. To move towards what we want, rather than what we don’t want or need. Put down the need to fight yourself every step of the way. Be clear on what you want, break down steps into more manageable tasks toward your goals and dreams. Quiet that “Monkey Mind”, you know, when your mind races and thoughts just keep accumulating or thinking “I could of said or done this instead”! What use is that really?! Will it change anything?! No, no and no. This is your ego trying to make sense of every damn (for lack of a better term) thing and it creates every scenario possible! But none of this can change what has already happened. The past is the past! Let it go! Toss it in the “Fuck it Bucket” (again my apologies *wink*) (not really sorry) Heal what needs to be healed, forgive what needs to be forgiven and move on! Be clear, clarity. Be so clear on what is you want in your life that there is no room for drama or negative people. Set your intentions, DREAM BIG! BIGGER! Let go of the outcome, because it will look far different that what you are expecting. *wink*  Meditate!!!!! Meditate!!! Meditate!


Be still not idle

Stop fighting yourself

Quiet the “Monkey Mind”




See you next time!

Love and Many Blessings!

Happy New Year!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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