Sunday, October 6, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for October 7th - 13th 2019

Hello My Loves!!!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with October 7th – October 13th, 2019 with your hostess…

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

To start off with, I must say that the weather here in Illinois right now, is just lovely! Autumn is my favorite season, go figure! *wink* Enjoying the cooler weather for sure!! 

We have a beautiful week ahead of us with this reading and then next Sunday, October. 13th 2019, we have our Full Moon, also known as The Hunter Moon. Now is the time to write down what you need to release, need to let go of, what you are willing to let go of to make room for the new to come in. So, get on it, get those lists done and ready for the Full Moon on Sunday and release each of those things on that night. If have your own little ritual…Great! Mine is to tell the Goddess of the Moon & The Universe, each thing I am ready to release, I then tear it up and place it in a safe container to burn it and offer the ashes to Gaia, Mother Earth. I ask her to take them for transmutation & transformation. And I also ask Archangel Michael to assist in cutting the cords to these things and my past. Then, simply thank them all for their assistance and unconditional love!

Crystals for the week:
(pick and choose what calls to you)
Lapis Lazuli
Hematite or Magnetite
Rose Quartz
Clear Quartz
Red Jasper

For this Weekly Oracle Reading, I AM working with Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia

LION SPIRIT (Be generous of spirit): The Lion here stands for Strength and Compassion. The Lion is fierce and strong! Goes after what it wants! It is our duty to help others that may have less than we do. Generosity is given with kindness, a gentle heart, without judgement, to give freely without expecting anything in return. Also, to know our own strength, we have all that we will ever need, but giving has it’s limitations as do we. We need to know our boundaries & limitations and stick to them. So that others do not cross the line with us or deplete our energy. Know when to help and know when to step back and let them do it on their own.

LION SPIRITUAL MEANING: ” The lion is a symbol of strength, authority, and natural leadership. Leader. Honesty. Royalty. Authority. Courage. Boldness.”

STAG SPIRIT (Take the lead): He is making his appearance, just in time for the Hunter Moon! Stop being a follower and lead instead! No one gets anywhere in life by following others lead. Take a stand, stand in your truths, you have a lot to teach those who are willing to listen. The Stag is a majestic creature, one who stands proudly, but not so proud they forget to be humble. They are leaders and create a safe space for others to learn from them and then take the lead of their own lives.

STAG SPIRITUAL MEANING: “the stag is said to lead seekers deeper into the mysteries of the otherworld, to serve as a messenger or gateway between this world and the next, and to be a symbol of spiritual or cross-dimensional journeying.” And “The stag is a symbol of rebirth and renewal: Since they shed their antlers in the autumn and regrow them in the spring, stags are indicators of the changing seasons and heralds of new life.”

KOI FISH SPIRIT (There is always enough): Let go of the fear of lack, if your mind is stuck on this, all it does is bring more of the same. Fear and Lack. To train your mind to think in more positive ways, example., I AM Prosperous, I AM Abundant. Money and Abundance easily flow to me now. Then watch as it starts to trickle in. Don’t stop there! Keep repeating those affirmations daily (with other affirmations of course). When you have money left over, put some aside for future endeavors and help others where  you see fit. Koi fish are flexible and ever going with the flow. To be in balance with both your Feminine & Masculine aspects of self. Yin & Yang.

KOI FISH SPIRITUAL MEANING: “good fortune or luck they also are associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose, the Koi fish symbolize good luck, abundance and perseverance. Symbolic in Buddhism is to represent courage. Today the fish are considered to be symbolic of advancement materially and spiritually.”

FROG SPIRIT (Clear out the clutter): With the Full Moon approaching, now is the time to clear out any clutter in your life. Whether that is in your home, office, studio, car or even mind clutter, thoughts that don’t serve you well, old thinking patterns, old ways of getting things done. Let go of it all! While you are at it, let go of toxic people that don’t support your highest good. Some family members can be very toxic, and it is ok to let go. You will thank yourself later! Once you let go of toxic people, it becomes easier to let go of them and other things. You may get on a purge and get rid of a lot of things that no longer serve you. When you let go of people and things, send them off with love and light, so that they may find peace in their selves. It will give you peace at the same time and allow you to ascend to a higher self. Remember this….What you allow continues. It is your choice whether to let it go or to let it continue as it is. The frog will speak (croak) his truths, no matter where he is or who is around them. They know when it is time to move on to better surroundings or environments. Transformation.

FROG SPIRITUAL MEANING: “The frog spirit animal and rebirth. The frog totem symbolizes the cycles of life, in particular the rebirth stage. Its own journey through life, from tadpole to the adult state, reminds us of the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our lives.”

LIZARD SPIRIT (Dream the world into being) YES!! I believe we have seen this card in passing weeks!! A reminder to get busy! Doors are opening! I have witnessed it for myself first hand! What are you passionate about? Don’t you think it is time to go for it? Go for it now! Know what your dreams are and begin taking steps to get there! The Lizard can move fast and most times unnoticed by roaming eyes. Create a dream/inspiration board, add side notes of how to get there. Steps! No one needs to see your dream board or know about your doings. Take a few minutes each day and imagine what that dream will look like when it becomes your reality! Move in stealth mode from task to task, before you know it little things will start to happen, your dream trickles in to see if you are paying attention. Little clues or signs start to show up or synchronicities. Be aware when this happens so you can reel it in! You can then harvest all the seeds you have sown all the while! Be patient, some of these things take time, keep at it, don’t give up, especially that, don’t give up, that is about the time the little signs and synchronicities happen and will be missed if you don’t have your ears, eyes, arms etc., open to it.

LIZARD SPIRITUAL MEANING: “The spiritual meaning of the Lizard is to be set free of the limitations of the past, and to be born into a higher awareness of self and abilities. The Dragon also offers great insight into the new realms of power. The magic of lizard symbolism is extrasensory perception and clairvoyance.”

Hope you enjoyed this weeks oracle reading! Much gratitude to you for stopping by and to my Spirit Guides for their assistance!

And for my artist friends, both digital and paper artists, today is the last day of my 40% off digital and printable goods for all your digital art and paper play! Most all my kits or packs come with collage sheets ready for you to print out and use! Please also take a peek in the Terms of Use section of the store for Crowabout StudioB. Each kit or pack comes with a copy of the TOU. Take some time in your day to honor your soul and play!
Shop Link: Crowabout StudioB

Blessed Be!
Hope to see you next week!
Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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