Sunday, October 13, 2019

Weekly Oracle Reading for October 14th - October 20th 2019

Hello My Loves!!

Welcome back to our Weekly Oracle Reading for the week beginning with October 14th - October 20th 2019 with your hostess….

Rev. Nancy Baumiller

 To begin, we have our Full Hunter/Blood Moon tonight! Do you have your intentions set of what you want to let go of? I hope so, tonight is the night to let those things or toxic people go, so that new can enter your reality! For some, it is already happening, doors are opening and revealing gifts! Rewards for all your hard work! It may even feel like you are graduating! Because you are! You had some tough lessons this year and you made it through! The Universe is celebrating! Way to go you!!!

For some of us, it is almost Samhain (sow-wen) it begins on Halloween October 31st 2019 and ends November 1st 2019. Samhain marks the end of the year for some of us. It will also mark the beginning of Mercury Retrograde (Oct. 31st – Nov. 20th 2019). Mercury pre-shadowed on October 11th 2019 

“During a retrograde period, it is not a good idea to push forward any practical venture. It is better to prepare for it rather than doing it and to move ahead later with the direct phase of Mercury.

Mercury goes Retrograde three times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts losing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track.”

For me, I will keep building upon the foundation of my dreams, one brick, or step at a time. This will help you stay focused, rather then allow the retrograde to wreak havoc in your world. Get out often and ground yourself, lots of self-love and self-care. Meditation to help with the focusing.

Crystals for this week:

Red Jasper or Magnetite (for grounding)

Sodalite (for self-awareness, intuition, perception)

Aragonite (releasing old, encourages recycling, letting go of clutter, relieves stress & negativity, also grounding)

Angelite (also helps relieve stress, healing, angels to provide help and healing)

Opalite (throat chakra, helps in speaking your truths, speaking up for self, public speaking)

Clear Quartz (Clarity, clear thinking, intuition)

Citrine (Envisioning your goals, pursuing them, Confidence, financial abundance)

Rose Quartz (self- love, opening love opportunities, heart, healing heart, heart break healing)

Carnelian (Ambition, Creativity, Sacral Chakra)

MoonStone or Chrysocolla (Feminine Power, New Beginnings, Embrace/Accept change)

(to the males, you can use the moonstone and chrysocolla too, we all have both feminine and masculine energies, this will help you balance them) 

This week, I am working again with The Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid, art by Jena DellaGrottaglia.

DOLPHIN SPIRIT (This and That are true): What is true for you? What are your truths? This is the time to let go of what is NOT your truths, discovery of what ARE your truths. To speak your truths. Speaking up for yourself. Stepping into your own power. Rising above the murky depths of the waters, float, floating, to go with the flow. Rise above and release what no longer works for you, what is no longer your truths, what no longer supports you and your highest good.

DOLPHIN SPIRITUAL MEANING: “Dolphin Spiritual Meaning. The spiritual significance of dolphins lies in their remarkable gift of tuning into the human emotions, enabling them to communicate with each person on a unique individual emotional level. Lifting the barriers of language, speech, and sound, reaching the heart of a person directly.”

PIG SPIRIT (Use your mind wisely): Stop with the negative self-talk. It no longer serves you. It does not help you move forward in anyway. Know dear heart, that you have all the strength and courage you will ever need to move on, move forward, accomplish your goals and live the life of your dreams! Stop saying, “when pigs fly’, instead say they can fly and so can I! Darling, you always had wings, they have been there all along. Spread your wings and soar to new heights! Choose your thoughts, choose what you give your power and energy too. Choose more positive words, actions and thoughts, as they help in manifesting more good & positive things!

PIG SPIRITUAL MEANING: “Pig symbolism and spiritual meaning. In symbolical sense, pigs are mostly associated with professional development and career aspect of our lives, concepts of money and economic success. Ability to decide what is of importance and what is not is probably the most important lesson from a pig spirit to us. Pigs represent responsibility, professional development and career advance.”

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT (Take time out): Don’t rush into something you are not ready for, don’t make any rash decisions till the fog clears and you can properly put your thoughts and words in order before taking any actions. Take step back from chaos, is this worth my time and energy? Is this my circus? Back away and clear your mind. In doing so, you will avoid saying or doing anything that is irrational and come back and to bite you. See the bigger picture before proceeding. Allow time for healing before moving forward.

BROWN BEAR SPIRITUAL MEANING: “The primary meaning of the bear spirit animal is strength and confidence. Standing against adversity; taking action and leadership. The spirit of the bear indicates it’s time for healing or using healing abilities to help self or others. The bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest. The spirit of the bear provides strong grounding forces”

GRASSHOPPER SPIRT (Take a leap of faith): The only way to release fear, is to face it! Once you do it, it becomes easier each time and helps you with other fears you might have. Fear is still going to be there, but you cannot let it take over and drive your vehicle. You are the owner/operator of your own vehicle. What you allow, becomes your truth! Careful what you choose to be in your reality. Tell fear to, “shut the heck up” and let you do what you need to do! Silence it, it is the ego trying to make sense of every little thing, it is trying to figure out every scenario possible that could happen. Silence that “monkey mind” and jump into action, take that leap of faith! But I strongly suggest to keep building on that strength and work on whatever project or details, unfinished business that needs taken care of till Mercury goes direct. Jumping too soon, the dream could fizzle out with out properly taking care of small details first. Tie up the loose ends.

GRASSHOPPER SPIRITUAL MEANING:  “Grasshopper Spiritual Meaning. The sound healing vibration the grasshopper emits moves the very soul to connect spiritually with the earth itself. The sound vibrations meditated upon will open all seven chakras activating spiritual healing. The sound itself eases the mind relaxes the body and soothes lonely straying thoughts.”

OWL SPIRIT (You see clearly now): You have worked hard to get here and The Universe is granting those who took the time to do all the necessary work and go through the lessons that were given. Kudos are in order! You are much wiser because of it all and can see through the masks that people wear and finally being able to set your mask down as well and live your most authentic self and live possible! Woot woot! Or is that Hoot Hoot! *wink* For the first time in a long time, you know what you want and can not only see it, you can sense it getting closer to you! All your senses are amplified! Use this time and your thoughts, actions, and words wisely. You know exactly what it is you need to do!

OWL SPIRITUAL MEANING: “The owl has many spiritual meanings. It can symbolize intuition and the ability to see things that others can’t. It also symbolizes change, see others real personality and wisdom. But it symbolizes negative aspects also, such as death. Let’s detail these aspects a little bit to see what they really mean.”

Much love and Blessed be my loves!


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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