Sunday, April 7, 2019

Welcome Back! Weekly Oracle Reading April 7, 2019

Hello Loves!

It has been awhile since I have been here on this blog! 

I AM going to be revamping it soon and offer new things for you!

We shall start off with our first blog post with …

Our Weekly Oracle Reading 

for the Week beginning with April 7th 2019!!

Hope you find this reading helpful and find healing in this reading! 

If you did find it helpful, monetary donations are always welcome but not required.

There is a Donation image to the right-top of this post! Look for the Coffee Cup image! Then click on it to donate! Much Gratitude in advance! <3<3<3

Thank you! Hope you enjoy this reading!

(See it below)

CRYSTALS: Crystals I choose for this reading (you may use what feels right for you), Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Hematite and Amethyst. (not all are pictured)

NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Coming back to self is like coming home to the place you live. You feel safe to let go and be yourself. Now it is time to get out and meet people, make connections, whether it is friends, family, partnerships, what ever it is you feel you need more of in  your life. More love opportunities! This goes along with creating your tribe and how important it is to have one that nurtures you and you to them in return. A support system for anything that is going on in your offer advice, wisdom, support and different perspectives to help you on your path and theirs.
This is a time to work on becoming the highest possible authentic version of self. <3


IMAGINE: You may have been thinking of a career move, a new job, or possible move to another place. This past New Moon is still in effect and is helping us realize our potential and dreams realized. We are being encouraged now, to materialize/manifest this new career, job, a move, or what ever it is for you, by knowing that we have that power within us to manifest what we desire in our lives. If your intentions are set, then it is time to take at least 5 minutes a day, no more than 15 minutes, to visualize what that looks like for us, how would you feel in that new career, job etc., what do you see, want to see, visualize your appointment book full, how busy you are and how you feel! Feel excited and blissful about it, fulfilled in it and it's entirety now. Feel those things now, that is how we reach our dreams and goals is for us to visualize them as they have already come to fruition. Which they have already, it may not be physically tangible, but it will appear as you envision it as it being your current reality. <3 (buy some small item that you would want to see in your new office or new home...some sort of trinket that you will see daily to remind you of how you got there with  your powerful manifesting skills!!) <3


TIME FOR A NAP: You have been busy reaching new goals, setting intentions, planting seeds, manifesting, movement and reaching new heights, it is now time to step back to rest, relax, knowing all is good. Rest dear hearts, soon you will be busy enough, a good busy, living the life of your dreams that you created for self. <3


MILK AND HONEY: Oooh! Rainbows! You know I love them! Been seeing them everywhere! It is a good sign, not just for me but for others as well! Look at the joyful tiny elephant blissfully playing in that big bowl of milk and honey!!! It is pure joy!!! Which is a sign of what we should be feeling right now in this moment! All the while knowing our dreams are becoming our reality! <3


TREASURE ISLAND: Look at what is coming towards us!!! Everything we are working hard for, thought all the sweat and tears! Believe your dreams are here in the now, visualize them, trust it, have faith in  yourself that you have worked so very hard and have the confidence that you so deserve this! Our dreams have surfaced and on their way to us now! <3

If you would like to be put on the mailing list for these readings, just email me at: and add "Mailing List" in the subject line! Thank you!

Much love light and peace! Till we meet again!

Namaste and Blessed Be


Rev. Nancy Baumiller

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